Gym Owners Handbook

Cover of 'Gym Ownner's Handbook' by Chris Cooper

I have a new book, and it’s out today!

“Gym Owners Handbook” breaks your fitness business down into its component parts. Then I give you step-by-step strategies for growing each of those parts.

Your business has two sides: operations (what you deliver) and audience (who buys it).

The back cover of Chris Cooper's fifth book: "Gym Owners Handbook."

How do you improve your operations? There are three big ways:

  1. Upgrade your team.
  2. Optimize your delivery.
  3. Keep your clients longer.

How do you grow your audience? There are three big ways:

  1. Sell more to your current clients.
  2. Get more clients.
  3. Teach your mission to everyone you meet.

“Gym Owners Handbook” tells you how to build a mission-driven, client-centric business. And it’s proven by data.

My first book, “Two-Brain Business,” was all about the systems that fixed my gym. Data set: n = 1.

My second and third books, “Help First” and “Two-Brain Business 2.0,” were all about the systems that I was teaching other gym owners—systems that had proven effective for them. Data set: n = 250.

This new book, my fifth, shares the strategies and systems that are working best in the world. Data set: n = 1,000. We test the best and teach the rest.

  • Gym owners test ideas.
  • We track their data.
  • When an idea works over time, we test it in other gyms.
  • When it works for those gyms, we teach it to everyone.

Over time, the best strategies float to the top. We teach them all in our Two-Brain Mentorship program, and I share many of them on my daily blog.

This new book is a collection of those strategies, and it’s written in a way that makes them immediately actionable. That’s why I called it “Gym Owners Handbook” instead of “Two-Brain Business 3.0.”


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.