Let’s Hear From You

At the start of 2020, I told everyone in the Two-Brain family that it would be our Year of Focus. Little did I know that one thing would require all our focus.

Every day, I try to send you a love letter that includes some kind of directive: a single act you can take to make your business better. These recommendations are usually driven by the letters I get back from you. That’s what keeps them valuable.

In 2020, we had a one-track mind. But now I want to know: How are you doing? How are you really doing?

I’d like to know how your business is doing. But more than that, I want to know how you’re feeling about your business.

I talk about data all the time, but my mentorship practice is called Two-Brain Business because we balance facts and care. I want to make your gym successful so you have a happy life.

It’s hard to have a conversation through a blog post or email. Consider this my icebreaker for the conversation we’ll have in 2021. Please take seven minutes to fill out our annual State of the Industry survey.

When you fill it out, you’ll get:

1. The results from over 1,000 gyms worldwide for you to analyze, consider and compare against your own.

2. Our annual State of the Industry guide—our data from 2020, and our perspectives and recommendations based on that data.

No one else has the context to publish these opinions with as much breadth or depth, especially in the CrossFit space. That context comes from your trust. Thank you.

Now, let’s flip the meter on 2020 and start planning for 2021!


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.