Earn $100,000 a Year as a Gym Owner Through Mentorship

A pair of smiling gym owners pose in the gym at Rogue Fitness in Columbus, Ohio.

You probably don’t need more knowledge to improve your gym.

In fact, I bet you have too much knowledge already. You can Google just about any topic and find an answer or ask AI to create a plan to improve your business.

So why are so many gym owners still struggling?

Because there’s too much info out there, and it’s overwhelming. When you have 1,000 options, it’s hard to select one, so most of us either choose nothing or work on too many things at once.

That’s where a mentor makes all the difference in the world.

A mentor’s job is to help you decide exactly what action to take at the right time and then provide the accountability you need to actually do the work. By working with a mentor, you’ll cut through the noise so you can make the most progress in the shortest amount of time.

We deliver our mentorship in distinct stages so we can give you exactly what you need “right now.”

Your gym is unique, and I don’t want you to have a carbon copy of my gym or your mentor’s gym or anybody else’s gym. I want to help you optimize your gym, so our mentorship plan is flexible. We can speed up or slow down as you need to; the timelines I’ve laid out below are approximate.

Here’s a quick brief on the first two stages of mentorship:

Phase 1

Goal: Generate quick wins and new revenue by building and selling a high-value service to high-value clients (we do this fast).

Mentor contact: Every seven to 10 days.

Plan: You’ll do the work with a mentor. No course, no toolkit at this point. You get on a call and actually do the work with an expert so you win early, gain momentum and establish great habits.

Timeline: 6-8 weeks

Phase 2

Goal: Accumulate habits so you can grow your gym forever.

Mentor contact: Every 10 days.

Plan: You’ll complete projects that will give you total control of your business operations. Areas of focus include retention, sales and marketing, finances and metrics, and client journey. You’ll build a dashboard for your business and learn to analyze your gym and solve problems as a CEO.

Timeline: 2-3 months.

And here’s a detailed look at the third stage of mentorship for gym owners.

Phase 3

Goal: Increase profitability and create careers—for you and your staff. First target: $100,000 net owner benefit (or your personal profit goal).

Mentor contact: Every two weeks or every month.

Plan: Dashboard analysis with a mentor and use of targeted tactics to improve key metrics fast.

Timeline: Variable based on your exact goal and level of focus (some people move very fast in this stage).

The third phase of mentorship is about growth. We’ll teach to how to optimize your gym by going all in on your marketing and sales, your team and your product. You’ll create careers for yourself and your team members. You’re going to turn the habits you built in the previous stages into entrepreneurial skills that will serve you for the rest of your life in any business you run.

To succeed at this level of entrepreneurship, you must become a CEO: You’ll learn how to develop your team and improve profitability. (Quick look ahead: Can you see how those skills could help you in any business venture you ever pursue?)

In this stage of business, you cannot create opportunities and careers for your staff until you’ve proven that you know how to create a great career for yourself. You are the test case for your business.

If your business can’t pay you a salary, you have no business offering anybody else a salary, right? You must prove that you know how to create a career and that your business is strong enough to support you. As you work toward your profit goal—$100,000 is a common starting point—you’ll learn how to create opportunity and income for others, too. But you come first.

This stage is about growth: You’ll focus on “doing the reps,” polishing skills and constantly upgrading your business. To help you, we have a massive toolkit of plug-and-play resources you can use. But we don’t just dump the pile in your lap. Remember, it’s not about knowledge.

Here’s the process: You’ll get on a one-on-one call with your mentor every two weeks or every month, and you’ll dig into your metrics by accessing the dashboard you built in phase 2. Your dashboard will allow you and your mentor to see what’s most important right now.

Do you need more revenue? More clients? Is your average revenue per member (ARM) too low? Is your retention weak? Are your expenses too high? Do you need more leads or a way to get leads to book appointment? Do you need to get better at sales?

Without a dashboard, you can’t determine what to focus on. I wasted years doing too many things at once and putting in work that didn’t measurably improve key performance indicators.

Now, you and your mentor can look at your dashboard and say, “Here is our biggest opportunity right now. And here is exactly how we’re going to make an extra thousand dollars next month.”

(I’ll give you a secret tip: Our mentors are all working to get you an extra thousand dollars on every single call—minimum.)

Here’s an example: Your dashboard shows that your greatest opportunity is increasing head count. So your mentor lays out a plan to get five more clients at $300 each. You’ll get exact instructions on how to use our toolkit to get those five clients, and your mentor will check the steps off as you complete the tasks. This isn’t rah-rah, go-get-‘em, motivational stuff. This is data-backed, nuts-and-bolts, do-exactly-this-right-now stuff.

On the next call, you repeat the process: Analyze, plan, execute.

This is what entrepreneurial growth is all about: It’s learning new things and adding them to the things that you are already doing on repeat. That’s how your business compounds and grows.

And that’s how we’re getting gym owners to earning $100,000 in profit in an average of two years, one month and nine days—regardless of starting point.

Think about that: Even if your gym is in very bad shape right now and you’re barely paying yourself, you could be earning $100,000 a year in about two years’ time (or less if you move fast).

Real-Life Results

Want to see this process in real life? Bryce Broome, owner of Souris Valley CrossFit, worked with great focus and moved very fast:

  • He used a mentor to open his gym.
  • He matched the salary of his previous job in his first month after opening.
  • He reached $100,000 net owner benefit within three months of opening.
  • He joined our Tinker program (see below) eight months after opening.

Here’s a 90-second summary from Bryce himself:

What’s Next?

The end of the third stage is really when you hit your profit goal—often but not always $100,000 a year.

After that, you’ll be invited to enter the fourth phase of mentorship—the Tinker program.

That’s where things become very fun: You get to unleash your habit-formed entrepreneurial skills to super-size your gym business or any other venture you want to focus on.

You’ll level up as a leader, scale your business, invest externally, fix your lifestyle, hang out regularly with other top entrepreneurs, think like an investor and learn to mentor staff.

Here’s what just a few Tinkers have done through mentorship:

  • One went from $0 in real estate to $2.5 million in less than two years.
  • Another took just three years to drive net worth up from $400,000 to $2.4 million.
  • A third reached $100,000 net owner benefit and then grew their gym by another 30 percent in the first year of Tinker.
  • And all our Tinkers are helping clients become fitter and healthier in stable, profitable gyms that provide great careers for staff members.

Again, we’re getting gym owners to the Tinker level in an average of two years, one month and nine days—regardless of starting point.

And we’re helping gym owners move faster: It took us seven years to produce the first 26 millionaire gym owners but only seven months to produce the next 26.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s develop a high-speed, tactical plan to accomplish your goals today.

To find out more about how you can work with a mentor to live the life you want, book a call here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.