Daily Directive: Sept. 24

A woman prepares to lift a barbell, with the words "Two-Brain Business Daily Directive" as a caption.

Daily Update

There are two sides to your business: operations and audience.

Most of us care about the operations side: We love to coach. We love to cheer. We love to help people change their lives.

But we open businesses to make more money for our families. That used to be the only way to earn enough—until some gym owners figured out that group training scales the value of a coach’s time.

The problem? Many gyms started selling group training for too little. And as thousands of gyms followed this model, microgym pricing for group training dipped too low to provide viable careers for coaches anymore. So more coaches left to open their own gyms, driving prices down further—and the cycle perpetuated itself.

Now, Two-Brain gyms are reversing this trend. One gym at a time, owners are focusing on high-value services, controlling their metrics and building platforms that can support careers for staff.

Thousands of gyms have proven the system to work. The 800+ gyms in the Two-Brain Family are taking bold strides to lead the industry to a new level. I’m thrilled to ride in their peloton.

Daily Lesson

Creating opportunities for staff is really rewarding.

Doing it the right way makes it sustainable.

Clear directions are mandatory.

And putting the right people in the right seats is an absolute necessity.

To learn how to do that, listen to Two-Brain Radio: “How to Get the Right People in the Right Roles at Your Gym.”

Daily Directive

Book your staff Career Growth ToolKit meetings and evaluations for the last quarter of 2020 and for 2021.

If you were at the Two-Brain Summit last weekend, plan to share your vision with them for next year. Lay out the steps to get there and their role in building a platform that will lift everyone—the clients first, then the business, then the coaches, and then the community.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.