Daily Directive: Sept. 17

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Daily Update

How do you know if your workouts are getting results?

You test your clients’ progress.

This week, I’ve been telling you to measure what your clients want measured, and then give them a prescription to match. That’s our job as coaches.

But what if your client wants to improve overall fitness?

How do you test groups of people at once?

And how often should you do it?

And how does that lead to client retention and referrals?

Daily Lesson

Today, Nathan Holiday of Level Method describes their assessment systems.

Listen to Nathan talk about why and how to test large groups of people on Two-Brain Radio: “Assessing Clients With Nathan Holiday of Level Method.”

And read Nathan’s step by step description here: “Assessments: A Linchpin to Long-Term Success.”

Daily Directive

Schedule three points on the calendar at which you assess client progress each year.

Use the Global Assessment or the Drip Assessment described by Nathan in the article.

You might also include events in which everyone participates, such as the Intramural Open.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.