Daily Directive: Sept. 10

On a green background, the Two-Brain logo and the words "daily brief."

Daily Update

Building meaningful careers for staff involves a lot more than making sure they’re paid a certain amount.

You must know what your staff want from their work. You must know what they want to achieve in life. And you must guide them to achieving that end.

Of course, that means money. It also means education, opportunity, a feeling of support and control, and the knowledge they’re making a difference.

Daily Lesson

But who do you hire? How do you manage them? What do you pay them? How do you evaluate the money you spend?

All the answers are here: “What Do Gyms Really Need? Staff.”

Need more on the “payment” part? Read “The Salary Cap.”

Daily Directive

This week, you’ve audited your facility and equipment, your operations and delivery, and your retention system. Now it’s time to test your sales plan.

First, check the space you use to sell memberships. Is it private? Confidential? Clean? Relaxed?

Then open your sales binder—the number one tool you need to demonstrate value to new clients. Don’t have one? You’ll build one during our RampUp program.

Next, check the equipment you use to measure client starting points and progress. Do you have an InBody machine? Measuring tape? Calipers? Scale?

Finally, audit your sales metrics, like your set rate, show rate and close rate. We teach that in our mentorship program, and some software providers, like Gym Lead Machine, make tracking them easy.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.