Daily Directive: Oct. 1

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Daily Update

It’s easier to get a new youth client than a new adult client.

And you don’t need ads: You need connections.

Connections are everything with kids. And right now, the time between making a connection and making a sale is really short because your audience is actively looking for kids programs.

Daily Lesson

You grow your youth program through conversations with your adult members first: Ask if they’d like a class for their kids.

When you have a kids class, ask the parents if they’d like a similar class for older or younger siblings.

When you’re trying to fill a kids class, ask the enrolled parents if their child has a best friend who would enjoy the program.

Then ask each child if they play on sports teams outside your gym. Get their coaches’ names and contact info from the parents. Do the same for their schools.

This type of marketing (which we teach as “Affinity Marketing”) will require a conversation with parents. But that’s really easy because they’re often waiting around to pick their kids up after class.

For more detailed instructions, read “Growing Youth Programs.”

Daily Directive

Try this:

“Hey, Bill! This program we’re running for the next six weeks is getting pretty full. We have a solid group of kids and I want to make sure we fill it with kids like yours. Does Janie have a best friend who would like it?”

Most of the time, the parent will actually do the outreach for you.

Or this:

“Hey, Jen! I know Jeff’s basketball coach is trying to hold practices, but it’s got to be tough with attendance restrictions right now. Where can I reach the coach?” Then you offer your help to the coach.

Or use this same strategy to solve problems for teachers and coaches at the child’s school.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.