Daily Directive: June 30

A woman prepares to lift a barbell, with the words "Two-Brain Business Daily Directive" as a caption.

Daily Update

While gyms in New York, North Carolina and Michigan are still waiting to reopen, and while several states around the world have reopened with restrictions, Arizona announced a 30-day re-closure of nonessential businesses last night. And in Houston, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is seeking authority from the governor’s office to enforce a Stay-Home Work-Safe Order.

It’s not over yet.

Daily Lesson

The hardest part of leadership isn’t thinking up creative ideas. It’s not even taking a stand when your values are squashed.

The hardest part of leadership is continuing to do the hard thing, day after day, when you’re bored or frustrated or feel like you’ve lost control. The hardest part is smiling to your members, taking advice when you don’t want to hear it and telling your staff, “It’s all going to be OK.”

The leaders who survive this crisis will be the ones who Just. Kept. Going.

The coronavirus pandemic isn’t a war of science or media. It’s a war of attrition. If you own a microgym, your business might have changed, but you’re still in the fight. Don’t stop.

Daily Directive

Need to pivot online for a month? Download our free guide “How to Add Online Training in 24 Hours.”

Need to warn your clients that another forced closure might be imminent? First, call your Seed Clients, and say:

“Mary, your safety is my top concern. There’s a chance you’re going to have to train from home for another month. What were your biggest challenges in working out from home last time? What’s the number one thing I can do to help you be successful in the next 30 days?”

You might be surprised by the answer. You might have to do more work. But failure to listen is death.

Need more? Our Covid Resources page helped thousands of gyms stay alive in 2020.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.