Daily Directive: July 8

A clipboard with the Two-Brain Business logo and the words "daily directive."

Daily Update

The fitness “industry” is over 100 years old, and there’s never been a more difficult period to earn a living in it.

While some gyms are back in business and growing rapidly post-covid, others are still in lockdown—and worse, some gyms are being forced to close for the second time.

Daily Lesson

In challenging times, good leaders have to carefully consider their vision: Why are they in this fight?

What will the new field of play look like—for the short term and for the long?

Then they have to communicate that vision to their team and to their clients.

Cameron Herold is known as “the CEO whisperer,” and his books are incredible. “Vivid Vision” is my favorite: While many authors write about goal casting and vision setting, Herold provides a step-by-step tactical directive.

Herold will be at our 2020 Summit along with Chris Voss, Seth Godin, Risha Grant, Jen Broxterman and me. Read about our hybrid format here, with 30 in-person meetups around the world!

Daily Directive

Watch Cameron Herold’s video “Your Vision Statement Sucks.”

Then write down: Your Perfect Day and your vision of success (a clear picture—what will it look like when you’re successful?).

Share the vision with your team.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.