Daily Directive: July 30

On a green background, the Two-Brain logo and the words "daily brief."

Daily Update

Yesterday, Australia’s second-most-populated state introduced mandatory mask wearing as new covid-19 cases set a daily record. Most businesses will stay open for now, but visiting friends will be prohibited.

Read: “Australia: Mandatory Masks and New Restrictions”

Wherever you are in the world, this isn’t over yet.

Daily Lesson

This week, I’ve been telling you how to make more money by building more value into your service. That doesn’t mean giving away more for free; in fact, the opposite is true.

You make money by creating value.

Creating value in your coaching business means delivering more than just a workout. Franchises like F45 and Orangetheory sell group workouts. They’ve commoditized intensity. That means downward price pressure for high-intensity group workouts.

And online coaching means more than selling Zoom classes. Your clients can find free workouts, professionally shot, anywhere on YouTube. That means downward price pressure for online workouts (and fast).

However, you sell coaching.

Today, I’m giving you a new way to look at coaching the whole client with the sleep, eat, move, manage (SEMM) model. I’m giving you a 28-Day Virtuosity Challenge with our partners at TwoBrainCoaching.com. Download it for free; learn how to coach your clients in their sleep, nutrition, exercise and self-management.

Increase the value of your service by providing a meta-level perspective that no one else can.

To take the Virtuosity Challenge, click here.

Daily Directive

Read through the Virtuosity Challenge document.

Pull up your workout programming for next month.

How would you advise clients to sleep in order to best prepare for each workout?

How would you tell them to eat?

How would you tell them to manage their lifestyle—to meditate, to plan, to schedule?

How would you leverage your workouts to change their lives?


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.