Daily Directive: July 23

A woman prepares to lift a barbell, with the words "Two-Brain Business Daily Directive" as a caption.

Daily Update

Every time a gym closes, a community loses.

They lose a meeting ground.

They lose a model for equality and inclusiveness.

They lose a clear path to better health.

They lose an example of good citizenship.

They lose tax dollars, overlapping revenues and ice cream purchases (at least that’s where around 1 percent of my budget goes).

They lose an inspirational example of entrepreneurship.

They lose a leader. Or two. Maybe a dozen.

Daily Lesson

Here are the steps to lifting up others in your community:

1. Become wealthy
2. Share the wealth.

“Wealthy” means freedom of finances and time. You can read more about that here.

For today, though, it just means that you have more than enough, that you get yourself on solid ground before you start giving it all away, that you put on your own face mask first, and that you eat the sandwich.

Daily Directive

You need to come back from the coronavirus shutdown stronger. You need to get profitable.

I know you had altruistic reasons to start your gym (so did I). But a struggling business helps no one.

I’m hosting a free webinar at noon Eastern on Friday: “How to ReOpen Your Gym The RIGHT Way.”

Use the experience, data and leverage from hundreds of gyms to reopen yours or buffer against another wave of closures!

Click here to register.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.