Daily Directive: Aug. 13

A woman prepares to lift a barbell, with the words "Two-Brain Business Daily Directive" as a caption.

Daily Update

Marketing is simpler than you think.

Marketing isn’t the same as advertising. Marketing is just helping your audience to know you, like you and trust you.

Funnels and “lead nurture” and conversion rate—those are tactics and metrics.

Today, I’m going to give you the ultimate marketing strategy.

Daily Lesson

Whenever you want to sell a service:

  1. Find a service for your audience instead of trying to find an audience for your service.
  2. Identify your best clients and ask them what they want.
  3. Sell to your best clients first.
  4. Sell to the rest of your current clients second.
  5. Then approach your former clients.
  6. Sell to your email list.
  7. Seek referrals from your current clients.
  8. Sell to your personal connections on social media.
  9. Then turn to paid ads (trying to talk to strangers).

Each of these requires a slightly different conversation—but they all require a conversation.

An infographic showing the process of sales to current clients, through email lists and with paid marketing.

Daily Directive

Download the free ebook “Broke Gym Owner’s Guide to Marketing.”

Let me walk you through it: click here.

Choose one tactic from the list and execute before the weekend.

Send me an email and let me know which one you chose!


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.