Coronavirus Response: March 28

A purple and pink graphic image of the coronavirus with the words "daily brief."

Daily Update

COVID-19 is a health crisis that could turn into a business crisis. But it doesn’t have to. Leading your audience of clients to a new delivery model will keep them healthy and safe—and it will do the same for your business.
Two-Brain gyms have successfully pivoted to customized online programming. Most have over a 90 percent revenue retention rate. A few will see their most profitable months ever.
Slow bureaucratic processes and government action have led the world into these crises. But entrepreneurs can lead us back.

Today’s Tactic

Use three to four hours this weekend to apply for an SBA loan (U.S.) or other cash-flow funding. You could be locked out of your physical location for 90-120 days. Here’s a list of things to pull together.


The Jack Ma Foundation donates millions of masks, test kits, and medical-use protective suits and face shields all over the world; starts an online platform for the global community of doctors and nurses to collaborate; and organizes doctors and translators to produce a comprehensive guide on prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
In the U.S, Bill Gates announces the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator.

Key Resources

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce: “Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus Federal Small Business Stimulus Aid Programs”
Two-Brain Coaching: Sample Whiteboard Briefs, March 23-27
The Two-Brain Business COVID resources page is updated regularly with new info.

Click here to visit and bookmark the Two-Brain COVID page.



One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.