Coronavirus Response: June 2

A black and red graphic image of the coronavirus with the words "daily brief."

Daily Update


Some gym owners feel compelled to reopen before they’re given the green light to do so.

Maybe different levels of government are giving different orders. Maybe the hard reality of their finances leaves them without much choice. Or maybe the gym owner just wants to make a point.

Whatever your decision, communication with your clients is essential. You have to tell them why—and how—your decision benefits them. (If your decision doesn’t benefit them, reconsider.)

Gyms in three separate states reported gaining clients from nearby gyms that opened before they were allowed to:

“And their members are calling us, asking to switch.”

“She was loyal to her ‘box’ … UNTIL the gym owner decided to go rogue and open way before the government mandated. She quit.”

Whatever your reasons are, perception is everything. Your clients are watching. You’re in their spotlight. What are you saying to them?


Today’s Tactic


What story are you telling? Do people believe that you’re the safe, professional option?

If you’re preparing to reopen, tell the clients on your list exactly how you plan to keep them safe. (Grab our free resources here.)

If you’ve just reopened, highlight your precautions to your clients every day. Once isn’t enough.

If you’re waiting to reopen, tell your clients why you’re choosing to wait. Here’s a sample from my gym:

Hey Fam,

As more and more news comes in about businesses opening in Ontario, we wait for our green light.

We wait because your health and wellness is our #1 priority. We aren’t going to risk your health by opening early. We won’t risk your health even if there’s a 1% chance.

Nothing will make us happier than the moment we are given the go ahead to open. Sure, we’ll have a few guidelines to follow. But rest assured, we are planning, cleaning and getting ready.

The fun we have as a group will stay the same. The cheering will pick up right where we left off!

Thank you again for your support during this time.

Meanwhile, in the background, we’re calling every politician we can to say, “Let us open!”


Key Resources


Being a good coach doesn’t make you good at business. That knowledge changed my life.

Your business should be able to run without you. And every year you should audit the systems that make it happen. Find the new “gold standards” in the industry (we test, update and publish to the Two-Brain family every single month). Update your playbook. Tell your staff.

Chris Cooper: “Gym Business Systems: Optimization”


Click here to visit and bookmark our COVID resources page.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.