Coronavirus Response: April 9

A black and red graphic image of the coronavirus with the words "daily brief."

Daily Update

The value is in the relationship—online trainers Brad Overstreet and Mike Watson share many of the same sentiments, though their delivery methods are different. Listen to Overstreet on Two-Brain Radio today: Click here.

Today’s Tactic

When new online clients sign up for higher-value one-on-one packages, provide them with some tools they need to be successful. A surprise welcome package including bands, a phone tripod, a yoga mat and a foam roller can cost just under $80, but Overstreet says this gift boosts retention by several months.


Some European countries begin to roll back coronavirus restrictions. Austria and Denmark are taking the first tentative steps and might offer a preview of how other countries will eventually lift restrictions in stages. Read more in The Washington Post.

Key Resources

The application period for Canada Emergency Business Account loans begins today. Eligible businesses will receive up to $40,000 in government-funded interest-free loans to cover short-term operating expenses, payroll and other non-deferrable expenses. Additionally, the Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise Loan and Guarantee program is available for operational cash flow.
RBC: Click here.
Scotiabank: Click here.
BMO (accepting applications soon): Click here.
CIBC: Click here.
TD: Click here.
Our contact at the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is Nadia Amaral:
The Two-Brain Business COVID resources page is updated regularly with key info.

Click here to visit and bookmark the page.



One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.