Average Revenue Explosion: From $70 to More Than $400 Per Member

A photo of gym owner Kelly Lorenz with the words "average revenue explosion."

Mike Warkentin (00:02):
How many members would your gym need if each one paid you $432 a month? Now I can hear social media: “No one will pay that. No one will pay that.” Kelly, do you think a gym can earn $200, $300 or even $400 per member, per month?

Kelly Lorenz (00:15):
Easily. Absolutely.

Mike Warkentin (00:17):
Aha. Will you tell us how you did it?

Kelly Lorenz (00:19):
Yeah. So, we increased our rates last year. So, we increased our rates by $10 per member, which is not a significant amount for each client. And that gave us an additional $1,200 or $1,000 a month. We added kids’ classes to our schedule. We added personal training, and we’re starting now to incorporate some small-group personal training into our weekly schedules.

Mike Warkentin (00:47):
Okay, so you’ve got a whole bunch of cool stuff there: rate increase, kids’ classes, personal training. We’re going to dig into that. This is “Run a Profitable Gym.” My name is Mike Warkentin. I talk to the best gym owners in the world every single month to help you run a better business. Please hit “Subscribe” wherever you are watching or listening. Now, Kelly Lorenz—she runs FORM in Marblehead, Massachusetts, and she’s here to talk about ARM, which is average revenue per member, per month. It’s a key business metric. Everyone on Two-Brain’s November leaderboard was above $400. The top number: $800, if you can believe that. Now, not everyone at the gym is paying 800 bucks—some are paying less; some are paying more, but the point is the average is $800. What’s a good first target? I’ll throw one at you: $205, but you can definitely move beyond that. Kelly has done it and we’re going to dig in. So, Kelly, talk to me first: How has this ARM number changed for you over time? As a personal story, mine was low; like it was like $113, $115, something like that, when I started my gym. I knew my rates were way too low in 2013. It took me to like 2018/19 to raise them with the help of a Two-Brain mentor, and then things started to go much better. But I started really low. How has your number changed?

Kelly Lorenz (01:55):
Well, we started low as well because I opened the gym on March 1st, 2020. And then 13 days later, I had to close the gym.

Mike Warkentin (02:03):
Yeah. What was happening in 2020?

Kelly Lorenz (02:05):
So, I had come from a photography background, and I had no idea what I was doing. So, we started doing classes online and outside. And I think my average revenue per member was probably—I don’t know—$50 at that time or 50 to $75, something like that. Once we were allowed to come back in, we started branching out different classes and some personal training. So, we added personal training to our schedule. And that increased. We offered hybrid personal training, so we did some group classes and some personal training for each client that was interested in doing both, and that raised their ARM incredibly.

Mike Warkentin (02:45):
Yeah. So, you’ve gone from like 50 to 70 bucks to north of 400 in like less than four years.

Kelly Lorenz (02:53):
Yeah. We also opened a second studio in our building. I took over two—unfortunately another business had gone out of business during COVID, so I swooped in there. And so, we just kept expanding with the new classes that we added and then, yeah, we just kept expanding, and we are where we are now. We just kept adding value to each member’s …

Mike Warkentin (03:17):
Aha. That’s a big one. I’m going to dig into the exact ways you did that, but give me the 411 on your business. What’s your—you hinted a little bit about where you started and what you’re doing. Give me like the—you know, what’s your ideal client? What are you selling? How much space have you got? Staff? Like just the quick rundown of what your business is.

Kelly Lorenz (03:31):
Yeah, so we are in a very small town, about 20,000 people, but it’s a very affluent town. Compare it to Nantucket in that it’s just—it’s a beautiful beach, coastal city, our town, but it’s small, and it’s very difficult to get in and out of the town. So, if there is something really great within our town, people will come to it. They don’t like to leave. So, we started with just me and like two other instructors—or three other instructors in one studio, and now we’ve grown to about 10 different instructors in two different studios. We started out mainly group classes, so small group classes, anywhere between like 10 and 20 people, give or take, on average. We’ve decided—we’ve since branched out and added value to each client’s membership using different strategies like personal training or small group personal training or kids’ classes.

Mike Warkentin (04:28):
Okay. So that’s pretty cool. So, I love that. It’s like—your town’s like the mob, you know: Once you get in you can’t get out. Right?

Kelly Lorenz (04:34):
Yeah, exactly.

Mike Warkentin (04:35):
I love it. It’s so good you want to stay. So, let’s—I want to ask about kids’ last, but tell me about the first things you said where you’re adding value through, like, changing from a group class model and even a rate increase. Talk to me about those two things and then we’re going to get into kids’ stuff after that because I know you’ve got a really cool thing going on there.

Kelly Lorenz (04:50):
Yeah, so we—well, I joined Two-Brain two or three years ago. Maybe two years ago; I can’t remember. And I just started—Jolene is my mentor—and I just started very slowly incorporating all of the things that Two-Brain told me to do. So, they encouraged me to raise my rates because they were too low, especially for where we are. And so, I increased everybody’s rates by $10, and nobody said anything. In fact, I got “Thank you for all that you do for us.” So that increased their ARMs significantly. And then I started to notice that different people had different goals that they were working on that they weren’t able to necessarily concentrate on in the small groups. So, via my mentor at Two-Brain, Jolene kind of worked with me and taught me how to start incorporating small-group personal training, as well as personal training, one-on-one. And that—the one-on-one personal training has been really valuable to our clients. I also—it took me about two years to get on board with the on-ramp sessions in my gym, and I have finally started to offer on-ramp. That was a scary one for me, and I’m still probably not charging what I should charge, but little baby steps here.

Mike Warkentin (06:02):
That’s okay. You know how to raise your rates now if you need to.

Kelly Lorenz (06:05):
I do. Yep. Yeah.

Mike Warkentin (06:07):
Okay. So that’s interesting because we had a similar thing where I started group classes, right? Excuse me, group classes. And I didn’t think that there was anything else. Group classes were the best thing ever, and we’d put everyone in. It’s an economical rate, and away we go. And I didn’t realize, first of all, that I was hurting my business because I wasn’t taking in enough per person. Got into financial trouble, had to call Two-Brain. But then on the other end of it, I also didn’t realize that my clients would’ve probably got better results if I had said, “Hey, you could book a personal training to work on this thing that you want. Or maybe you don’t want group classes; you would just like personal training, so we can focus a hundred percent on you.” When we started adding that, average revenue per member went up. And this is not uncommon, I’ve talked to so many gym owners: The second they start adding specialized services, they realize many of their clients actually want that. And then, additional people outside in the community really want that. And maybe just that or a combination of group and personal training. So that must’ve been your experience, I’m guessing. And did you see when you started adding this stuff in, you said the average revenue per member number started to move quickly?

Kelly Lorenz (07:05):
Yeah, it started to increase significantly. And that was really cool. Yeah, it’s hard to ask for such a—you know, a lot of money. And so, I’m trying to get my brain around recognizing that we actually have a lot of value to offer our clients. And so, it’s just kind of like a mind game really.

Mike Warkentin (07:24):
I recorded a show about this yesterday, and it was another person on a leaderboard, and it was in—her name was Michaela Munsterman. And she said—I asked her the same question. She gave me a really cool exercise, and gym owners check this out: She said, “If you’re worried about your value, write down everything you do and actually write down the service you provide and everything that you do and all the effort that you put in. And then look at it and ask yourself, ‘Is it really worth a hundred dollars?’” And if you do that, you’re probably going to look at—isn’t that cool? I thought it was such a cool way to frame it. And she said, “When I looked at that, I realized I was undercharging. I was hurting myself. I was hurting my staff. I was hurting my clients, essentially because I was underpricing everything. It wasn’t the right thing to do.”

Mike Warkentin (08:01):
So that’s a cool exercise. Write down what you do and the value that you deliver and then ask yourself if the rate you charge is right. And in many cases, it isn’t because gym owners are very prone to undercharging, not overcharging. I want to know about the kids’ programs. So, this is like adding personal training in individual semi-private stuff—that works so well. And we’ve known that; I’ve talked to so many gym owners. Talk to me about kids’ programs because this is an obvious one, but not a lot of gym owners do really well with it.

Kelly Lorenz (08:26):
Yeah, so this is—I come from a teaching background. So, a bazillion years ago, I was an elementary school teacher, and so kids have always been my passion. And when we went through the pandemic, I needed extra income and so families were allowed to hang out with each other, but no one else, right? So, we created a group called “Mini-Roadrunners” where mothers and our caretakers and children—so mothers and daughters basically—could go running outside with us. So, we did like a loop around town and generated business through that, as well as getting kids moving during the pandemic. So, through that we had a lot of contacts. A lot of our parents, or a lot of our members, have kids. And so, with the affinity marketing, right—that Two-Brain encourages us to do—we go to our clients and say, “Who else in your family can benefit from this?”

Kelly Lorenz (09:15):
“Who else do you know that can benefit from moving their bodies regularly?” And so, I had parents calling me or texting me or emailing me, asking me—because right now there’s a break between organized sports in our town. So, you know, there’s nothing from December until March. So, we decided to do a 10-week program for seventh and eighth graders and then for ninth graders. And we charged $408 for the 10 weeks. They come twice a week and that just skyrocketed our ARM at that point.

Mike Warkentin (09:52):
Wow. So that’s an interesting one because at every gym there are parents; those parents have kids, and those kids always need something to do. And parents are always looking for great activities and ways to get their kids off the Xbox and moving. Right? It’s true in every single gym, yet many gyms—and we saw this in our State of the Industry data—many gyms don’t make a huge dent with kids’ programs even though they’re such a home run, and they’re right there in front of you. So, you said—I’m just going to try and recap this for listeners—you said you just simply went to your clients and said, “Who else can I help?” And then you carry the momentum from your 2020 pandemic program to get kids and parents moving, and you use that to grow a sizable kids’ program that just crushed it in this last month. Is that right? Or what am I missing here?

Kelly Lorenz (10:37):
No, that’s exactly right. That’s exactly what we did. We had parents just calling us because they had heard about our previous Mini-Roadrunners, and they work out with us every day, and they’re like—it’s important, you know, true to our name, which is FORM, we’re very, very insistent that people are moving properly within our space so that they can avoid injury obviously. And so, we want to teach kids how to do that too, because they’re constantly moving, right? But we want to teach them how to do it properly so that they can go into their teen years just with that great foundation.

Mike Warkentin (11:13):
So you mentioned affinity marketing. Listeners, that is the code word for using your current clients to get other clients. And it’s as simple as saying, “Who else in your life could benefit from my service?” Or something along those lines. Kelly did it with a specific aspect—looking at kids, right? And all of a sudden, she’s got a kids’ program. I did the same thing. We put up a kids’ program—instantly sold out at my gym because parents need things for their kids to do, and they’re only too happy to bring them into an environment where they have a trusted coach, and they know they’re having a great time. That was us. That’s Kelly. Yeah. And it’s a no brainer. It’s such an easy sell if you do it. Maybe you might need a kids’ training credential or something like that, but those are easy enough to pick up. The Brand X is a preferred provider that does a great job.

Mike Warkentin (11:51):
But there are many ways that you can get a credential to work with kids. And then once you’re doing it, you’re giving them a lifelong love of movement and fitness and so forth. It’s kind of a win for everyone. And how great is it when you have parents and kids working out at the same time? Let me ask you this: When you priced your kids’ program, how did you do that? Because many gym owners think kids’ program should be priced way too low, especially when you look at the cost of competing in sports or cheerleading or any of these other after school programs.

Kelly Lorenz (12:15):
To be honest with you, we’ve done four-week programs before, and we charged $99 for four weeks—one day a week. And then I just kind of priced it out with Jolene and presented it to her and said, “Is this a good price?” You know, to be able to pay my coach a great wage as well. Because we do the 4/9ths model with them, and then we just priced it out. This was going to be two days a week for 10 weeks.

Mike Warkentin (12:46):
I love it. So you ran it past a mentor.

Kelly Lorenz (12:48):
Yeah. It’s like $20 a class.

Mike Warkentin (12:51):
And there you go. And you ran it past a mentor. You made sure that you are covering your expenses. And the cool thing—you mentioned the 4/9ths model. Listeners, that is when you pay a coach 4/9ths—44%—of a program’s revenue. That means that the coach is not a cost; the coach is tied to revenue. And in the best cases, these coaches actively generate more revenue, which means that as the program grows, your business grows, but the coach also earns a better wage. And so, we’ll see coaches not earning just $20 per class, but earning $60, $70, $80 per hour because they’ve got this 4/9ths model in place. So, it is a really, really cool way for you to pay a coach and build your business at the same time. Did your coach, Kelly—or coaches—did they see pretty good hourly rates out of this?

Kelly Lorenz (13:31):
Absolutely. One of my coaches is a former collegiate lacrosse player, so she’s very sought out in our town. So, yeah, she’s definitely making a great hourly wage for this.

Mike Warkentin (13:42):
Okay. I love it. I’m going to ask you now specifically—you mentioned affinity marketing. Are there other ways that you acquire high-value clients? Like do you do any advertising, or how do you get these people in your gym at a high average revenue per member?

Kelly Lorenz (13:53):                             
We definitely do paid ads on Facebook. I haven’t dialed those in properly enough yet because they’re not great leads for us, but it’s getting our name out there. We also are very active in our community, so we did a lot of things during the pandemic to incorporate families and getting them movement. We sponsor different town events that we have. We get out there and move with people when there’s races in the town. So, we’re just very active in our community and talking with people and getting ourselves out there, and we kind of just go with—our biggest value is tied to Chris’s value, to Coop’s value, which is to just help people: help first. So, we will be in a coffee shop and talk to people, and we’re just word of mouth.

Mike Warkentin (14:37):
Yeah, so you’re local networking. Oops, sorry, say that again.

Kelly Lorenz (14:40):
Sorry. No, I’m sorry. We just make ourselves available to have conversations throughout the day.

Mike Warkentin (14:44):
So you’re local networking, and so that’s an extension of affinity marketing. One of things that Chris has recommended is that you just like grab a bunch of coffee and head to the business across the parking lot or next door or whatever and just say, “Hey, I run the gym over there. Here’s some coffee for your step. How’s your day going?” See where the conversation goes. Right? You may or may not get a client out of it, but at the very least that business is going to know that you’re an awesome person and you’re friendly, and they’re going to know you run a gym. Have you done something like that?

Kelly Lorenz (15:09):
Yeah, I don’t bring coffee, but I go to the stores, and I buy things.

Mike Warkentin (15:14):
This is—this works. Yeah.

Kelly Lorenz (15:16):
Yeah. I support them. I shop locally, and they know who we are because it’s a very small town, and I will go to the stores, and I tell my husband it’s part of my marketing budget.

Mike Warkentin (15:26):
But it is, and my wife has had the same experience. She—we’re in a small town of maybe 10,000 or 13,000, something like that. And I think she knows half of the small business owners because she goes in and supports them and especially the active living stores. So, you know, ski and snowboard stores and like active living, hiking, paddling—those kinds of things. They know her. And so that’s great when someone’s like, “Oh, I’d like to lose some weight,” in that store. They say, “Go see my wife.” In a small community, you can make a huge impact like that. And again, I’ll reference Michaela Munsterman, who I spoke to yesterday: She literally makes up, I believe it was homemade salsa, or she’ll do sourdough cinnamon rolls, and she’ll take them to local businesses, and she’ll stop in and start talking. And her market is specifically medical exercise. So, she’s the transition between a care provider like a physiotherapist or even a doctor and out of that care providing situation. So, she’s that transition where they’re not quite ready for just general apparently healthy activities. There’s a medical component here, and she approaches those businesses with specific gifts and just says, “Hey, how’s it going?” And introduces herself. Isn’t that neat?

Kelly Lorenz (16:22):
Yeah, that’s really cool.

Mike Warkentin (16:24):
I kind of wanted cinnamon buns after I spoke to her.

Kelly Lorenz (16:26):
A hundred percent.

Mike Warkentin (16:28):
So ads—you said you use them a little bit, but you haven’t got them quite dialed in, but it sounds like you’re growing and doing okay without them, so when they start moving and get you the leads you want, you’re probably going to be in a very good spot, I would guess.

Kelly Lorenz (16:39):
Yeah. Yeah. We’re in a really cool spot. It’s humbling.

Mike Warkentin (16:45):
Wow. And it’s a neat combo because advertising is important, but advertising—like those are essentially cold leads. Even if you get the very best leads from an ad, they’re still colder than your client’s brother, sister, child, parent. Right. So, when you—let me ask you this, when you, maybe not with relation to kids obviously, but when you get a reference or referral, pardon me, from a client, how easy is that sales conversation? I’m going to guess it’s pretty easy.

Kelly Lorenz (17:09):
So easy. Once we get them in our gym for the NSS, for the No Sweat Intro, we book like probably 99.9% of them.

Mike Warkentin (17:18):
It’s a home run. They want to sign up, right? Because someone already told them it’s amazing.

Kelly Lorenz (17:20):
Exactly. Exactly.

Mike Warkentin (17:22):
So that cuts down on your sales time. And again, we’re not saying you shouldn’t advertise. You definitely probably need to do something like that at some point, but there are a number of different funnels. Two-Brain teaches four: One of them is advertising. The other three don’t involve spending a ton of money. They are referrals and contacts, social media, stuff like that. Let me ask you this, are there any simple add-ons you have with your business that drive up ARM? Probably things like renting lockers, apparel sales, supplements—anything like that?

Kelly Lorenz (17:44):
Yeah, so we have a little—I started doing pre-orders for swag with our logos on them. So, sweatshirts and sweatpants, stuff like that. We also have protein, like the little protein sticks and LMNT—what’s the word—Electrolytes. You know, those kinds of things. You know, little add-ons like that. But no, and we just had a call in Tinker yesterday about this, and people selling protein powder. We’re not a CrossFit gym, and we don’t have a bunch of dudes in there crushing their protein powder every day. So, we’re trying to figure out how to increase that a little bit more, but we do like a little retail area where we sell local things from local stores, that kind of stuff.

Mike Warkentin (18:27):
What a great way to build a connection, right? Hey, can I sell some of your soap in my store? Or something like that, right? And again, retail is not always a huge thing in gyms, right? A lot of gyms—like there are some, like say in Hawaii, Las Vegas, destination places—they make a ton of money off T-shirt sales because everyone wants that, you know? Local flavor. The places where I was weren’t really destinations, and a lot of places are like that, but still tacking on 5% or 7% in retail sales. Why not? Why not do that? And the other thing is—yeah, you’ll take it, right? It’s a little bit extra. And the thing is this: If you’re not selling supplements or anything like that, your clients are probably going to buy them somewhere, and why not get the good ones from you with the right advice and the “help first” mentality then going to the mall where the dude is like, “You need all this stuff, and you need to take twice as much as the recommended,” you know, that kind of thing, right? Apparel—everyone loves apparel. And the big tip here, gym owners, is reorder. Do not stock excess apparel or lose all your income because you’ve got unsold bad sizes or weird styles. Get a simple apparel order, pre-order, get only what you need—maybe like four extra of the most popular size—sell it, and you’ll make money. I lost money on apparel for a decade until I started doing that.

Kelly Lorenz (19:35):
Yeah. Yeah.

Mike Warkentin (19:37):
So I’m going to ask you this as we close this out. I always hear this. I see on social media whenever Two-Brain posts something like this: “$300, $400 average revenue member—it’s impossible. I could never do that.” Can you give me a couple of baby steps? Because you started at 50 or 70 bucks. What are some baby steps that a gym owner could do right now if they’re at that level to start moving toward your level? And let’s start with a first goal, even of 205.

Kelly Lorenz (19:57):
Raise your prices, even by just $10. We have a very small studio, and so we have around a hundred members—between a hundred and 110 members. So, even just raising $10 a month, that’s so easy. You know, you get an email; you send it out. You say—if you send it out in January—“Beginning in March, we’re going to raise our …” You know, a nice little email to let them know ahead of time. And then start asking people if they would like to start adding in one or two personal training sessions a week for 30 minutes. That’s an additional—you know, we charge $59 for 30 minutes. That’s nothing; that’s a couple cups of coffee, at this point, a week.

Kelly Lorenz (20:40):
And just ask them, you know, like, “I noticed you’ve been working on your planks. Do you want to continue working on that? Let’s get you in and get you some upper body strength,” that kind of thing. And just one of the things that I pride ourselves on is I’m there every day. I’m at the gym every day. I don’t teach classes, but I’m at the gym. And so, I know my clients and so I can say to them, “Hey, I’ve noticed that you’ve been really working on this. Would you like me to pair you with a trainer and do a hybrid membership once a week, twice a week?” That kind of thing.

Mike Warkentin (21:10):
Now that Kelly, that sounds like high-pressure sales. You’re really grinding these people.

Kelly Lorenz (21:14):
And then the other thing is goal review sessions. When we sit down with them every 90 days—which I’m really not good at, but I need to get better at—I can say, okay, “You’re on a starter membership. You’re here two days a week; why are you not here three days a week? I noticed that this is a priority for you.” That kind of thing. Just a conversation.

Mike Warkentin (21:30):
These are simple tactics, right? Very simple tactics. And they work if you do them. And you mentioned 90-day goal review sessions. Two-Brain recommends that you meet with clients every 90 days and just ask them how things are going. And it’s a great opportunity to just, you know, retain them by saying, “Hi, I love you.” And you know, take a picture and celebrate their successes, remind them of their successes. But it’s also a great way to say, “You know, if you want to move faster, we can do personal training and nutrition,” or whatever—whatever your service package is, and you can move them up that chain. And it’s not by selling or gouging, it’s by helping them achieve a goal faster. And like I said, you know, Kelly’s doing high pressure sales by saying, “Would you like some help with your plank so that you can be stronger faster?”

Mike Warkentin (22:09):
“Well, yeah.” Okay. The session, right? It’s pretty easy. So that’s one thing. Rate increase is another one. All that increase goes to your bottom line. And again, this—inflation is crazy right now. This is a thing that business owners do have to think about, but I’ll tell you this: It’s best to do it with the help of a mentor. Two-Brain has an exact plan. It’s been tested: the language, the email, everything you do and the support from a mentor, it’s all there. And all you have to do is follow the plan. And we even have percentages of calculations to help you figure out what you need to do to make your business profitable and how to do it properly. Because in some cases, if a gym is really low, they have to come up a couple of steps—and we’re not just going to add in a hundred-dollar rate increase. But an annual increase can be a really good thing, especially as prices rise. You said your clients—when you did that, Kelly, no pushback?

Kelly Lorenz (22:52):
None. No pushback.

Mike Warkentin (22:54):
And that was a $10 increase. Do you do it every year?

Kelly Lorenz (22:57):
No. What I was going to say is—I will say that if I followed the Two-Brain methodology, if I had more courage and followed the Two-Brain methodology like word-for-word and actually implemented it all, my bottom line would just skyrocket. It’s taking me a little while to get there.

Mike Warkentin (23:16):
That’s okay. That’s only one of the things you can do to increase ARM, and you’re finding other ways to do it. Eventually you’ll circle back and maybe it’ll be the right time, but right now, pushing a kids’ program sounds like a pretty great way to raise ARM and just sell a little bit extra to a family.

Kelly Lorenz (23:29):
Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.

Mike Warkentin (23:31):
So you mentioned two ways that you did that—you increased ARM. It’s with that rate increase or with hybrid programs where you’re tacking something else onto a package, meaning like maybe nutrition services, maybe it’s a personal training session, or maybe it’s like a semi-private, something like that. Anything else that you think a novice gym owner might want to consider? Or are those the two big ones?

Kelly Lorenz (23:49):
I think those are the two big ones.

Mike Warkentin (23:51):
Let’s leave it there then. That’s perfect.

Kelly Lorenz (23:52):
Checking with your clients, checking in with your clients—I think is an extra added value that corporate gyms don’t necessarily have.

Mike Warkentin (23:59):
If you do it, you will retain more members, and your revenue will go up. That’s proven in Two-Brain data. It happens. I think the average is something like 30% of members upgrade by about 30% in those goal reviews. I believe that’s the stat. Have you seen something like—you’ve seen something like that?

Kelly Lorenz (24:14):
Yeah. Almost every goal review session, somebody increases something.

Mike Warkentin (24:17):
And even if they don’t buy anything, they’re going to see your face, and you’re going to solve problems, and they’re going to stay longer. Has your retention increased from those as well?

Kelly Lorenz (24:25):

Mike Warkentin (24:26):
Absolutely. So this is a no brainer, gym owners. If you take one thing from this show, consider making sure your rates are lined up with your value that you’re delivering and do goal review sessions. Kelly, thanks so much for being here today. I really appreciate it. I can’t wait to see what you do next.

Kelly Lorenz (24:39):
Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. It’s such an honor.

Mike Warkentin (24:43):
You’re very welcome. Are you done at two locations, or are you going more?

Kelly Lorenz (24:46):
I’m done.

Mike Warkentin (24:47):
Okay, that’s good. So, you maximize the ease and away you go. I love it.

Kelly Lorenz (24:50):
Yeah, I’m old. I need to start slowing down.

Mike Warkentin (24:54):
I don’t know. It looks like you’re only getting started to me, but in any case, we’ll catch up with you soon. That was Kelly Lorenz. This is “Run a Profitable Gym.” Thanks for watching and listening. Please hit “Subscribe” on your way out. And now here’s Two-Brain founder Chris Cooper with a final message.

Chris Cooper (25:07):
Hey, it’s Two-Brain founder Chris Cooper with a quick note. We created the Gym Owners United Facebook group to help you run a profitable gym. Thousands of gym owners, just like you, have already joined. In the group, we share sound advice about the business of fitness. Every day I answer questions, I run free webinars, and I give away all kinds of great resources to help you grow your gym. I’d love to have you in that group. It’s Gym Owners United on Facebook, or go to gymownersunited.com to join. Do it today.

Thanks for listening!

Thanks for listening! Run a Profitable Gym airs twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Be sure to subscribe for tips, tactics and insight from Chris Coooper, as well as interviews with the world’s top gym owners.

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One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.