When You Need an Annual Plan for Your Gym Right Now

The word "unprepared" on a chalkboard, with a hand crossing out the "un."

We’re a few days into the New Year, but it’s not too late to create an annual plan for your gym.

This is really an essential activity.

If you don’t have a basic plan for the year, you’re going to be scrambling constantly. You’ll feel stressed and frantic. You’ll waste a lot of time on misguided efforts and you’ll miss out on a lot of revenue.

Our mentors help clients create annual plans tailored to each business, and I get fired up when I hear about all the things gym owners have on the calendar. When I see that a gym owner is thinking 12 months ahead, I know that gym owner is on the path to success.

If you don’t have an annual plan right now, I’ve got you covered.

I have a basic 12-month plan that’s going to help you generate revenue, improve your staff and retain clients longer. It’s got a calendar of events and instructions to help you move fast. It’s plug and play at high speed.

Consider this my New Year’s gift to you.

To get my plan for gym owners, you’ve got two options:

1. Head to Facebook and send me a DM. I get a ton of messages and I hand out a ton of guides, so make sure you specifically ask for our 12-month plan for gym owners. If you say “send me that guide,” you’re not going to get what you need right away because we probably have 100 guides for gym owners. Please be specific so I can send you the right guide ASAP.

2. You can also work through the annual plan with me on YouTube:

Take Action Today

It’s Jan. 3, and the clock is ticking.

If you aren’t going to create your own plan today, just hit the “easy button” and use mine.

Feel free to customize it or use it as is. Every tactic in the plan has been tested. You’re not going to get any guesswork or “maybes,” just solid, low-drag tactics that will improve key business metrics.

I can tell you this: If you don’t create and implement an annual plan right now, you’ll miss out on revenue, you’ll lose more clients than you need to and you’ll be frustrated with staff members over and over.

Don’t do that. You’ll kick yourself in December 2024.

Request the guide on Facebook or watch the video above. If you do, your business will improve significantly every month for the next 12 months.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.