
Shannon Brasovan

Shannon Brasovan has been in the fitness industry for over 16 years. She completed her first personal-training certification through the mail and coached her way through college at the local YMCA. She started practicing yoga while in college and credits it with saving her life.

Soon after graduating, Shannon moved to Chicago, where she worked for lululemon in marketing and had the great joy of practicing and sweating in every type of fitness studio in the city. From this work grew a deep passion for small businesses and a belief in the incredible power of a microgym/boutique studio to build community and change lives.

After Shannon met her husband CrossFitting, they opened their own box in Indianapolis— which later led Shannon to open a yoga studio as well.

After 10 years of successful CrossFit and yoga studio ownership, Shannon is excited to bridge her worlds and help other yoga studios excel.

Shannon is an E-RYT 500 level teacher with Yoga Alliance, a Level 2 CrossFit Coach and the lucky mama to Magnolia and Langston. Thanks to Two-Brain, she is currently living her perfect day in Birmingham, Alabama, where she nerds out over permaculture, cooking, reading non-fiction and playing the guitar.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” - Albert Schweitzer

the definition of insanity is

Trying the Same Thing Over and Over Again
And Expecting Different Results

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