5 Blogs in 5 Weeks to Build Your Audience

A writer in a sport coat and time bites a keyboard and give the thumbs-up sign.

Struggling to produce content?

It’s a common problem—but I can help.

Below, you’ll find a guided five-week content plan to help gym owners generate some momentum on their blogs.

If you have trouble producing content, keep it very simple and just “get it done.” If you love creating, feel free to go big: Add some pictures, dig a little deeper, create social-media assets to promote the blogs and so on.

A head shot of writer Mike Warkentin and the column name "Pressing It Out."

Do Exactly This

1. Block off “publishing time” on your calendar every week for five weeks. You will use this time to produce and publish the five blogs below. If you don’t schedule this activity, it probably won’t happen.

 2. Make some notes on each topic right off the top of your head in “week 0,” and add to your notes anytime an idea pops into your head. That way, you’ll already have some thoughts together when you sit down to create.

3. Write 300-600 words. Don’t feel pressure to go long. The point is to publish consistently, so be brief and to the point.

4. Write and publish the blog to your website each week. Then send it to your mailing list as a newsletter. Then use your social-media platforms to tell people to come to your site to read the blog.

That’s it. Hit your calendar and block off time to publish right now, then read on for the blog ideas.

Week 1

Subject: How a fitness coach can help you reach goals faster.

Audience: Prospective clients—especially people who have been working out on their own without seeing results. In places such as Canada, where lockdowns are slowly being lifted, this blog should be tailored to people who have been struggling to work out at home and might be tired of it.

Goal: Help people understand the benefits of a trainer.

Key point: Trainers help people accomplish goals faster through expertise, insight, motivation and accountability.

Link and call to action to include: The URL for your consultation page and “Book a free consultation!”

Protip: Be sure to mention fitness, nutrition, sleep and stress—everything a modern coach addresses.

Week 2

Subject: Do you need to train like CrossFit Games athletes to get fit?

Audience: Current members.

Goal: Explain how your programming will help clients accomplish their goals.

Key points: Your programming is optimized for your members and tailored to each individual in class so all clients get fitter fast. PT subscriptions offer personalization, create faster progress and allow people to dig into areas of interest—like weightlifting or gymnastics.

Link and call to action to include: The URL for your PT page and “Click for more info!”

Protip: Don’t slam “special programming for elite athletes.” Just show how your programming gets results—data and quotes from clients are huge bonuses here.

Week 3

Subject: 5 simple summer workout ideas.

Audience: Current members and general community.

Goal: Keep people training when they’re away from the gym by getting them to book a goal-setting session in which you can highlight online programming/PT services. For the general community, the simple workouts you create here will give them something to try—be sure to make things accessible so everyone can succeed and have fun.

Key points: There is no need to break the workout habit on the road or on vacation.

Link and call to action to include: The URL for your consultation/goal-setting page and “Create a summer workout plan with me!”

Protip: Keep workouts short and very simple so people who’d rather be tanning might be inclined to sweat for a few minutes first.

Week 4

Subject: 5 simple summer nutrition hacks.

Audience: General community.

Goal: Generate some website traffic by writing on a top-of-mind topic that allows you to showcase your nutrition expertise and mention the services you offer.

Key points: A few simple things will dramatically affect nutrition at a time when people tend to munch on bad snacks and drink too much pop or beer.

Link and call to action to include: The URL for your nutrition-services page and “Eat for success!”

Protip: Don’t get into the weeds with macros and hormones and so on. You want simple healthy habits here.

Week 5

Topic: Our favorite local businesses.

Audience: Other business owners and general community.

Goals: Link to a host of complementary businesses to start creating relationships that can lead to referrals and backlinks for SEO. Direct your clients to trusted locals who can help them outside the gym.

Key point: We’re the local experts who can help you solve any problem you have by referring you to businesses that will treat you well.

Link and call to action to include: Your email address and “tell me about your local business!”

Protip: After you publish, call the local businesses you featured and ask the owners if they saw the article and would share it with their audiences or link to it. Then ask how you can help that owner more.

Do It or Delegate It!

That’s your five-week content plan.

Use it on its own to get into the habit of publishing or add these ideas to your content plan to increase output.

Final protip: Send this article to a staff member and ask him or her to follow the plan to increase authority and grow your audience.

Two-Brain clients: Want more assistance? Head to the Growth ToolKit: Get More Clients—Audience Building. You’ll find a host of resources, including a huge pile of blog topics from Chris Cooper, more tips from me, a complete podcasting course and a host of done-for-you blogs you can use on your site.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.