$100 Million in Revenue and 100,000 Clients Served

A photo of 600 gym owners and coaches in front of the Crowne Plaza in Chicago during the 2023 Two-Brain Summit.

We put 600 of the world’s best coaches and gym owners into a parking lot on June 3.

We used a team of mentors, volunteers and hotel staff to herd, block traffic and cram people into place.

When the mass of fitness pros was assembled and flexing in front of Chicago’s Crowne Plaza, we snapped a very cool pic.

Here’s what the people in that picture represent.

A head shot of writer Mike Warkentin and the column name "Pressing It Out."

We could talk about wonderful leaders with vision, passion and dedication, but I’d prefer to throw some numbers at you. Two-Brain Business runs on metrics even if the pic above gives our team members all the feelz.

Using a few very rough estimates, here’s what the 2023 summit actually represents:

  • About 500 gym owners employing 1,500 trainers if we assume each gym has about three coaches.
  • 100,000-plus clients served if each gym has about 200 members.
  • $50 million in annual revenue if each gym grosses just $100,000.
  • $100 million in annual revenue if each gym grosses just $200,000.
  • $16.5-$33 million in annual profit if each gym operates at a 33 percent margin.

Those loose figures are probably way, way low.

I know for a fact that just three gyms with owners in attendance generate about $2.3 million per year by themselves. One of those gyms has about 740 members. I met owners of another gym with 670 members. And I know some gym owners who came to Chicago have more than 10 coaches on staff.

You get the point even if the estimates above aren’t exact:

The people in the photo above are changing the health and fitness of a huge number of people all over the world, they’re generating monster revenue as small business owners, they’re creating careers for staff members, and they’re supporting their families.

They’re a huge force in the industry, and we’re gaining momentum as a group.

Here’s some perspective on the growth of the Two-Brain Summit:

  • 2016: 50 people.
  • 2017: 150 people.
  • 2018: 250 people.
  • 2019: 360 people.
  • 2020-2021: online summits due to pandemic.
  • 2022: 375 people.
  • 2023: 600 people.
A photo of a small crowd of gym owners at the 2016 Two-Brain Summit.
The 2016 Two-Brain Summit.
A photo of Chris Cooper speaking to gym owners at the 2016 Two-Brain Summit.
The view from the stage in 2016.
A photo of a woman in a shirt that reads "best finds best" organizing a large group photo at the 2023 Two-Brain Summit in Chicago.
 A group photo of about 600 people in front of the Crowne Plaza hotel for the 2023 Two-Brain Summit.
The 2023 Two-Brain Summit.

Join Us in 2024

Over the course of the weekend, the owners who attended our summit learned how to run better businesses.

I watched them take action on the spot to improve their gyms. They made connections with other gym owners and expanded their support networks. They met with top vendors who could help them serve clients better and generate significant return on any investment. They solved problems. They worked out together, ate and drank together, and shared high-fives and hugs.

It was incredible, and you couldn’t leave Chicago without a sense of momentum.

I heard so many amazing stories of perseverance and success over the weekend, and I lost count of the number of times I said, “I can’t wait to see where you’re at when we talk here next year.”

I also got to connect with a few people I had met in 2022, and I heard amazing stories of success brought about by hard work and guidance from a mentor.

Here’s what’s clear: The summit is a literal launch pad for a gym business. If you were there, I know you understand.

If you weren’t there this year, put the summit on your calendar in 2024.

Our next summit goes down June 8 and 9, 2024, in Chicago, and tickets are already available here: 2024 Two-Brain Summit.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.