A+ Coaching: Class Prep, Confidence and Client Connection

Shawn McQueen

Josh (00:02):

Hello, and welcome back to Two-Brain Radio. My name is Josh Martin, and today I’m going to be your host. On this episode, we’ve got Shawn McQueen, owner of Railroad CrossFit in New York, as well as a mentor for the group coaching course over at Two-Brain Coaching.

Chris (00:22):

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Josh (00:47):

Today is a special episode. We’re going to be talking about the biggest struggles that Shawn has had as a coach, and that he’s also identified that other coaches are having through his work in the mentor calls over this past year. And those three areas that we’re going to cover today are class preparation, confidence, and then connection. So if you are an owner of a gym who sees this as a potential a pebble in the shoe of your gym, then you definitely want to stick around and see how Shawn has taken these coaches from where they are to where they want to be. And if you’re a coach, you can certainly stick around as well and take a ton of value away from this episode. So without further ado, Shawn, welcome to the show.

Shawn (01:34):

Thank you for having me Joshua.

Josh (01:38):

I don’t have very many people call me Joshua. It’s either super, super close friends or my wife and my mom. So you are in rare company, my friend,.

Shawn (01:48):

The truest of loved ones.

Josh (01:49):

All right, man. So, you know, you you’ve been mentoring on the group coaching course for quite a while now, but you’ve also been a coach and gym owner yourself for 10 years. And I’m just so excited to dive into these three areas with you because inevitably, anytime that you and I talk, it is just a bubbling up of excitement that comes out of you when we discuss class preparation, confidence, and connection. So I want to jump right into it because I, something that I know that you’re super passionate about is being well-prepared for a session, particularly your wheelhouse of group coaching. So tell me a little bit about, you know, when you were a newer coach, what are some of the struggles that you’ve had? And I’m guessing that it’s some of the same struggles that you’re seeing with coaches that come through the course, and then how do you go about fixing that?

Shawn (02:49):

That’s a great deep question. My friend, I’m going to work backwards. The way I look at group coaching now is I coach an experience, and obviously that’s taken all this time and the hits and the misses along the way, but none of that would be successful or even possible if the level of preparation was not there. And that’s something that I’m seeing a lot be absent from mentees that I work with, or just my interactions out there with other coaches and gym owners in general. And I get it. It sounds unsexy to draw out your lesson plan, create your map for the class. That in my opinion is a prerequisite to leading a well-structured, organized, fully functional class that you can be prepared for, for any contingencies, map out your coaching points, know your flow without ever needing that lesson plan. And when I’ve been absent of that in my origin and my beginning days of coaching, you’re on the floor, you’re thinking too much, you’re winging it. You’re not your best self .I’ve even seen it in real time with my, the newest addition to my team, Peter, as he was in his intern stage learning the relevance of writing a lesson plan.

Shawn (04:16):

And it was so powerful to see the dedication and commitment he would put into this, then the next level is revising it, rehearsing it. And that takes a very short amount of time. So you can map out how you’re going to correlate this amazing atmosphere and experience for your people. So it can be one that they not only have this top-notch experience, but one that they want to come back to and you can tap into your best self, whether that’s your tools, your communication, your flow, when that’s absent, I’ve only experienced and seen hiccups and problems get amplified. And it disrupts the flow, the service, creates chaos and members don’t want a zoo. They want structure, humans crave structure. So class class preparation to me is taking the time first and foremost, to know and understand the programming. And if you’re new or you don’t fully understand movements, or even 10 years in, I still, I know how to coach a deadlift.

Shawn (05:19):

I know how to coach these movements. I’ll still find innovative ways to find a different cue to challenge myself. I don’t need to do those things. We talked offline about raising your standards, and I really believe if you truly want a meaningful and profitable career that can expand over time class prep, whether that’s group coaching, one-on-one coaching preparation is key. If you think of people who out there who love sports NFL, for instance, they practice. Their practice is most of film on the field to eventually gain day perform one Sunday. Well, our game day is maybe sometimes it’s one class, two or three a day for coaches who are really busy. You need to put in offline the prep work, and that’s your lesson plan. And also revising and rehearsing that. So you can be a well-spoken individual who gets across to all these people, and you’re a professional. So I’ve gone through my own hiccups across time and dropped the ball. And it’s something now that I won’t operate a class without. And that’s one of the first things that I teach new mentees and coaches who come through the program and you can see the difference in those who take it seriously and begin to own the process of creating their own lesson plans and rehearsing and revising because I had them send me videos of their whiteboard brief or send me photos of their lesson plan.

Shawn (06:55):

Initially going through that process, and everyone has a little bit of a different process, but it begins to get the ideas out of your head on a paper. And then the coach over time gets better at executing on those in real time in front of people.

Josh (07:08):

So let me jump in and ask you kind of to go back a couple of, you know, steps. So if I’m somebody that is listening to this, whether it is I’m a coach or an owner, for those that don’t know, Shawn is not a surface level guy, he likes to, you know, peel back all the layers. So if I’m a coach or an owner that’s listening to this and I’m like, ah, class prep, you know, like, ah, OK. Yeah. I probably should think about things ahead of time, you know, and maybe a way to identify that somebody is not preparing ahead of time, some surface level things that come to my mind are maybe your class runs over a couple of minutes. I think every owner or coach has been frustrated right. By seeing that, that it’s like, oh man, OK. I just got to cut something out next time. Or, you know, maybe they ended 10 minutes early. Right. And they didn’t take it for the full hour that the client is paying for. So, but to me, and I think I know you well enough to know that that seems like a real surface level issue. So I’m wondering, can you identify some other problems that present when people are not preparing for their classes ahead of time?

Shawn (08:25):

Absolutely. Those first two are the easiest. Your organization of time management is off. In real time, you can see a person on the floor thinking and winging it, piecing things together. And for someone who, or people I should say, who are paying a premium amount for a premium service, they are not getting it. If I’m on the floor, piecing things together, or I have to think, and I come across as maybe not as professional as our members think want or deserve for what they’re paying, that is a ruffle in the feathers of the service. And they might begin to question, why do I even come here? This so-and-so is not prepared, is winging it. They don’t feel safe, if they don’t feel safe, they’re not going to want to come. It’s all interruptions of service, which can affect retention, length of engagement, a member wanting to come over time.

Shawn (09:17):

That’s obviously affecting the business flow. Deeper than that, deeper than in terms of what we talked about, the time management, or even beyond the members, seeing that and staying across time, how are you professionalizing what you’re doing? How are you actively, and it’s, to me, in my opinion, it’s not enough to say I looked at it at a computer the night before, and I know where I want to go. You’re not prepared for the unforeseen. And what you want to do is you want to close the gap. Not only on all the coaching points, the things that you’re going to do, break that stuff down, but prepare for the contingencies because you’re going to have them. And if you’re unprepared, again, it leads to levels of disappointment in your members. And again, we go back to levels of standards. If someone’s willing to say, it’s good enough that good enough is not going to last a fulfilling career for either you or for your membership base to want to stay, because someone’s going to do it better. And they’re going to go get it where it’s better.

Josh (10:31):

Every time you say good enough. Cause I’ve heard you use that phrase a number of times. And I could see the it’s almost like this visceral disgust with that term, it’s good enough. And what I always think about is like, if I said, Hey Shawn, you said that you were dealing with this problem. You need to go to a doctor. Here’s the name of, and number of my guy, you should go see him. He’s good enough. Like nobody’s making that call to that doctor. But if I say he’s the best, they’re going to call you to make sure that you know exactly where to park, where to go when you walk in, they’re going to have the forms emailed to you. You can fill them out on like all that stuff. That’s representative of the best experience that you have. I guarantee you’re calling him.

Shawn (11:19):

Spot on. I’ll go back to our intern. When he came in for the first month I had him, he didn’t, he, of course he was observing things and things of that nature, but a lot of his month one were breakout talks. You know, he would obviously immerse into the community. Once he went through our OnRamp phase, when I broke down with him, how and why it is so critical and important that we come to every session prepared with a lesson plan and hammer home why and the importance and the relevance that’s leadership from the top down. Peter does not question that because he understands the importance of it. It’s for the greater of the gym. It’s for the benefit of you, you are a professional. If you come in here with your lesson plan, whether it’s one-on-one on-ramp or group, and it’s on a clipboard and you’ve prepared, you’re going to exponentially get better at a much faster rate. It’s professional. It’s valuable. They see the value in that. They’re going to want to stay. They’re going to want to come here. And that’s a dialogue. And the first person that needs to adopt that mentality is whoever is the team leader. And if that’s the head coach, if that’s the owner, whatever that needs to happen, because it makes the business run better, it makes the service run better. And it makes it consistent across the board, which inconsistency leads the people.

Josh (12:42):

Oh man. Yeah. Run that back again. We’ve all been there, right? Where you’ve coached 2, 3, 4 classes and you sometimes recognize when you get to that last class, it’s off and it’s not, you know, the same level that the first or second class was. Let me play devil’s advocate because I feel like if I’m a coach or even if I’m an owner and I’m hearing this, I’m like, Shawn, this sounds great. But that sounds like a lot of work. Like I got to do a lesson plan. I already know how to coach the deadlift. And I know how to tell them where to run. And I don’t have time to add more to my schedule to do this whole preparation thing that you’re talking about.

Shawn (13:30):

In my opinion, and I’m OK if people disagree with this, then you’re in the wrong industry. The reason I say that is flip it to a different analogy. My wife knows I love her. I don’t need to tell her. My kids know I love them. I don’t need to tell them. You need to like, like our phones every three weeks or month, ask us to upgrade or whatever that is. We need to continually be upgrading ourselves. This is what our service delivery is built upon. If you don’t think it matters to take, maybe it takes me 10 minutes to write my lesson plan.

Josh (14:09):

I was just about to ask what’s that look like.

Shawn (14:10):

10, 15 minutes to write my lesson plan out because I have a system to write that out, to rehearse it, to revise it, to understand it. It’s the first place I go to get my thoughts out of my head. So I know my organization, my flow, my transitions are there. Which again, if you go back to the first thing I said, it allows me to lead an experience. I can tap into this performer of myself and they crave that performer, not on the floor, stumbling over my words, lacking confidence, unsure of where I’m going to go next, unsure of how I’m going to handle this person over here can’t get in the front rack position. It’s all fluid and smooth and covered. And if the mentality is well, that’s extra work and I’m not getting paid for that work. Maybe you’re in the wrong line of work.

Shawn (15:01):

Maybe it makes you a better coach. Maybe it makes you a more valuable coach and more opportunities come from that because people see how valuable you are. So again, a big part of kind of what you’re mentioning is limiting beliefs and if you’re not willing to change your approach and try something new even for a month. Try it for a month and see what happens. I do this in the Two-Brain group coaching course. After they write their lesson plan and coach their class, I have them email me. What did you notice that was different? And almost clockwork, almost all the responses are I spoke better. I led the room better. I knew where I was going. It’s all these things that we need to be better at to professionalize coaching. And again, all the great things come from that. So that’s my opinion. That’s kind of where I stand with class prep and those who truly take it and run with it will absolutely reap the benefits.

Josh (16:00):

So I’ll say it in a way that I think all owners to a certain degree think, and maybe just don’t want to say it. It’s pull up your pants or get out. Like this is is really what separates the good enough from, I only want to come to this class at this time. Like that those are the superstars, right?

Shawn (16:21):

So take it one further too. And I lead from the front this way for my team. If one of my coaches leads the 10:00 AM and they wrote a lesson plan, I’ve made the mistake of just trying to use their lesson plan.

Josh (16:37):

Oh, oh. That’s not even a thought that crossed my mind, but I’m so glad you brought this up.

Shawn (16:42):

Because I didn’t write it and go through it myself and get my kinks out and all the things that I know where I’m going, et cetera. My focus points. Because a lot of coaches, unfortunately just got on autopilot. Group of people cheer them on clap for them. You got it. If you are into leveling up and becoming the best possible that you can. And what I mean by that is continually evolve and raise your own standards. You have to step up your game. So I realized, Ooh, I don’t operate best when trying to do that because I didn’t get it out of my head. So some thoughts there are, I can use it and rewrite my own. We all do this at my facility, in terms of you can use it as a template, but you need to take the act of getting it out of your head.

Shawn (17:35):

OK? Yes, this works really well. I can even eliminate what didn’t work well, and some of my worst performances in this case came from, if I didn’t see it in the morning and I came in in the evening and tried to use it without having taken the class or being there, you haven’t had the opportunity to get the kinks out, to feel it you’re organicness. So those are mistakes that I’ve made that I want to share. So people can avoid those. Yes. Take the time to write your own. Even if you took a class and someone led it really well. Yes. Take that as a template and edit it to your own variation and promise you will deliver better.

Chris (18:18):

Chris Cooper here to talk about Beyond the Whiteboard, the world’s premier workout tracking platform. Beyond the Whiteboard empowers gym owners with tools designed to retain and motivate members. We all know clients need to accomplish their goals if they’re going to stick around long term, and Beyond the Whiteboard will help your members chart their progress. They can earn badges view, leaderboards, track their macros, assess their fitness levels, and a lot more. Your job is to get great results for your members. Beyond the Whiteboard’s job is to make sure your members see those results and celebrate them. For a free 30-day trial, visit today.

Josh (18:55):

I hate to use this cliche and I don’t know who to attribute it to. Maybe you do, but it sounds like failing to plan is planning to fail. And I think we all deep down, we want to deliver the best possible work that we can. And the way to do that, part of the process is planning ahead. OK. So between the two of us, we’ve got like 30 years of fitness coaching experience. It’s safe to say, and I don’t, I hope I’m not speaking out of place, but there there’s a certain level of confidence in what we’re doing, just because we’ve been in the trenches for a long time. We’ve got a lot of experience. I think that this is certainly an area that we’ve identified. I know for me, when I first started coaching, it was terrifying. I was whiter than I normally am.

Josh (19:52):

Like I’m normally pretty white as a sheet, but I probably had whatever blood was left in my face left me, stumbled over words, got dry mouth, palms are sweaty, shaking. So there’s a tremendous lack of confidence, even though my competency level, in terms of the knowledge that I had at that point before I even started coaching was plenty high enough. I knew enough. I just wasn’t confident, but I find that this is an area that you are so good at. Number one, pulling out of people, getting them to admit that, yeah, this is somewhere that I struggle. And then helping them through that. Do you see that about yourself?

Shawn (20:35):

I appreciate the recognition. Absolutely. And I think it’s something maybe that comes a little bit more natural wanting to extract that out of others. I don’t want to see people be limited by self-limiting stories, insecurities, whatever we tell ourselves, I’m not good enough to coach. I don’t have this movement. So I’m not worthy to coach whatever stories we tell ourselves, it’s innate, it’s inside of me to want to help that individual reclaim their core beliefs and confidence. So they can lead from an optimal position. Confidence is one of, if not the biggest thing that everyone I meet through the course mentions that they want to see improve. I think about this, you know, I think about if we pull back maybe to high school, when the majority of us had to take public speaking, terrifying, all of our peers, we were just on the same seat.

Shawn (21:42):

Now we’re in front of them. And we’re talking about a topic that either we wrote about, or we don’t care about at all. And you’re sweating bullets. You’re thinking all these things, you’re learning how to scan the room. All these things are happening. It doesn’t feel natural maybe right away. And you’re in your head. And when you’re in your head, there’s a phrase that when you’re in your head, you’re dead.

Josh (21:59):

I like that. I’ve never heard that before, but that’s really, really good. I’m gonna write that down.

Shawn (22:04):

So now bring it to bring it to group coaching. Usually this is what I hear. And I mean, you can relate across your, your time with coaching is an owner sees something in a person, whether that’s quality of movement, personality, they think they’d be a good fit for the team. They think they could be impactful on the team and they presented them about becoming a coach.

Shawn (22:30):

And it sounds great. And you see it all the time and great coaches make it look easy. They look, and they have the confidence that bravado, they speak well. They use their body, their physiology in a way that you’re like, man, yes, I would love that. Never forget that. And then the moment it’s your turn, after some trainings and certifications, some internal work at your gym, you get up there and you stumble over your words. You start talking like you’re at the horse race a million miles per hour. You start sweating. You know, I think of my team and I have a female coach named Abby, when she flipped the coaching switch on from member to coach, she became very serious. And it was like, it’s a way to protect ourselves. The biggest hangup here is our own internal beliefs about ourselves.

Shawn (23:36):

And I truly believe that 80% of being effective is your why. 20% is your how. So think about that. When you really like coaches, when I speak to coaches and sometimes I have to go off course in terms of the call and have these real deep heart to hearts to say you’ve chosen one of the most amazing career paths. You’re like an angel from above sent down for a mass amount of people you’re choosing to help people add years and vitality and wellness to their life. Just because you’re at the very beginning origins of that. And maybe you’re not as great as coach X in your gym yet, you don’t need to compare yourself to them. You are at stage one of your journey, but remember that you are choosing this. And there’s an element of owning that. And so what’s helpful

Shawn (24:32):

There is obviously the internal work that we need to do as people, working on our own, what I call your own, self-development your own self-worth. And that happens outside of the gym. And some people can tell me they don’t have time. If you don’t have time to invest in yourself, 10, 20, 30 minutes a day, whatever that may look like. Some people it’s journaling. Some people it’s watching YouTube videos, whatever it is, we need to get real with ourselves. As if you’re in front of the mirror. What are my self-limiting stories that are holding me back from performing confidently, from speaking confidently, this isn’t anything to do with what, you know, you may be the smartest person in the room. You may know all of that. You can know about deadlifts and power cleans. But if you’re dry, if you’re nervous, if you don’t speak well, it doesn’t resonate.

Shawn (25:27):

And it doesn’t stick. And people will not want to keep coming back to you. And your classes will either digress. They will leave, anything of the sort. We need to, as people in this industry work on, I mean, people in general, Josh, not, it’s not limited to our industry. We need to work on ourselves and that’s vulnerable. It’s allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. And I’ll tell you this, the more vulnerable that you allow yourself to be in terms of with them and to be seen, your confidence is going to go up dramatically. I live by three principles and it helps me with every single thing that I do. And I think people need, a core focus, a core intention, principles. My three are the three I’s. I lead my life by my intentions. Why am I doing this?

Shawn (26:17):

My impact, what am I trying? What’s the outcome I’m trying to achieve, and integrity, doing the right thing, regardless of if it’s a hard thing or a difficult thing, whatever that may be. So that may not be your core three, but finding the makeups of how you essentially your true north, you make your decisions. Within our industry. You need to be pliable, need to allow yourself to be humorous, to make light of situations, to be adaptable with what you receive. To know that it’s OK to make mistakes. You’re going to make mistakes. Perfection is not the goal. That is actually a low standard because nobody can be perfect. It’s hold yourself to the highest standard you can hold yourself to your body. Be aware of your body. How are you using your body? To me, the body is the first place that tells me the truth.

Shawn (27:13):

If your arms are crossed, you’re uncomfortable or you’re guarded. If your hands are in your pockets, maybe you’re, it’s lackadaisical. If your shoulders are slumped, you’re not confident. These are all things we need to be aware of when we are engaging. And we’re speaking, we’re leading. The last thing I’ll speak of here is you mentioned that I’m not a surface level guy. And I feel like we live in a world where we’re just skimming the surface with people. Hey, how are you? Hey, how’s your day going today? Did you find everything you’re looking for? These things, they’re just very at the top and to truly break through and create a deep, meaningful rapport with people, we have to go deeper. We have to get to know the roots with people. And for that to be, for that to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen so we can see them ask yourself, what do I really care about these people?

Shawn (28:12):

What do I really care about this person in front of me? What’s really unique about them that I can share. Even if just appreciation. I think those are, that’s a good place to start is rapport. Truly, you have to care. You have to care. And that level of care needs to be so obvious through your words, your body, your tone. I saw the other day, uh, an owner mentioning coaches, just skimming at the surface with questions and not really going beyond that. As team leader, whether that’s the owner or the team leader, we need to come back together and say, guys, here’s why it’s so critical to develop deep and meaningful relationships and create rapport with everybody. And here’s some helpful tips. Like let’s talk today as a team of some helpful ways that we think could be effective and let’s go around the room.

Shawn (29:04):

And here’s the deal. When you allow yourself to do that, you need to say, guys, you told me, you taught me this. Number one, I’m not here to judge you. I love you. Number two, take nothing. Failre is not feedback as Jen would say, it’s growth. So if you share something and we’re like, Hey, let’s take that, but maybe let’s make it a little bit better. Dial it up a little bit better. Don’t take it personal. You are contributing to the team. So I think rapport physiology, be pliable and identify your core beliefs, who you are. I think that’s a great place to start for people to increase their confidence. And again, it’s a game of repetition.

Josh (29:47):

So I found myself doing a couple of things. As you were talking one, I made sure that I wasn’t crossing my arms. I’m sitting. So I don’t have my hands in my pockets. That would be awkward. And you know, as you were saying it, cause I knew what you were going to say next. Like I started to make sure that my shoulders are back and I’m sitting tall. Right? Like it, cause that it does make you feel better. I don’t know if you’ve read Jordan Peterson’s book 12 rules for life, but the first one is, stand up tall with your shoulders back. Anyways, so the other thing that I’m kind of identifying is, you know, at the outset of when we started this episode, we talked about, Hey, there’s three things that we’ve both struggled with, that we see other coaches struggle with.

Josh (30:36):

It’s the class preparation, it’s the confidence and the connection. And it really seemed to me that as you were talking through the confidence piece, it really bled into the connection. So you start talking about going deeper, getting below these little surface level questions. I think of all the coaches that I’ve come across in my career, that your ability to connect on a personal level is just unmatched. It really is. There’s never been, we’ve never had a conversation where you’re just like, Hey man, what’s up? You know, family good? Yep. OK. Like, let’s get on. It’s you’re always asking 2, 3, 4, 5 questions. So what I guess what I’m getting at is that all three of these seem to be really, really intertwined, the preparation, which gives you the confidence and then connecting with people feeds back into that confidence and helps you prepare the next time even more. Am I trying to make connections where there’s not? Or am I on the right track here?

Shawn (31:47):

You nailed it. And I hope that, I’m so glad that’s so obvious to you, an owner, a coach. You can see the intertwining of these things. Nothing is separate. Nothing is separate. The more prepared we are, the more confident we can be on the floor. The more competent we are on the floor, the better the classes are. The better the classes are, the more we are engaged to want to connect because people are responding better to us. Ask yourself, who do you want to be at the end of this life? Do you want to be someone who, where wherever you went, you made it better. And how do you make it better? You make it meaningful. You make it impactful. You get beyond the, Hey, how are you? And when someone says, all right, and you say, all right, all right, is everything OK?

Shawn (32:37):

I mean, all right, to me is one step above crappy. And someone’s like, oh, you know, no, it’s just work. What about work? What’s going on with work? And I, you know, I know that sounds silly or it can sound whatever to somebody. Keep going, keep going with people, show them you care, connect with them. Because I feel like we live in a world now through social media, which is a gift in some realms. And it’s another way that blunts human connection in another, everywhere we go, we have the opportunity to create meaningful relationships with strangers. Say the person’s name at the grocery store. When you’re checking out and ask them how their day is going, Josh, how is your day going today? I almost would guarantee no one has said their name yet today that doesn’t work there.

Shawn (33:32):

And you recognize them. I even, there’s a guy at my local grocery store. He, his name is Tom. And you know, you see their name tags. I make it a point to just when I see him to just, Hey, how are you, Tom? His sister just had a baby. And he lives with her. So I’m like, how is that going? You know, the little baby, all that. So Josh, it comes back to you. The other day I was at the grocery store and Tom was on a break. He was hanging back and in, in my lane I had a lot of groceries and I was getting myself set up and I was preparing myself to bag because there was no bagger. And Tom comes out of break to bag for me because of this relationship we have.

Shawn (34:17):

And again, we’ve made some talk we got below, we got, sorry, we got past the surface check back in. He didn’t need to do that. But we have an established relationship. And every time I see him and this isn’t even this isn’t in the gym stuff and the gym stuff, it’s a constant evolution, but it must come from the core. It must be truly authentic with looking to gain nothing. Because all the gains you make, whatever that may be, somebody wants to work with you in a skill session or a one-on-one or my goodness. The member stays for six, seven years. All of that in the end really is that adds value to what we’re doing in the business. But you like who you are, your legacy is invaluable. So ask yourself, who do you want to be in this process?

Shawn (35:05):

So like you said, which I love pull your pants up, raise your standards. It’s tough to hear. It’s you can do this, winging it, subpar, work it out with your own class, whatever, like people can do that. It waters down what this industry is, the professional, what it can be truly make a living doing what we love, make a career in coaching people in nutrition, group fitness one-on-one, changine lives. The impact that we can have that gets magnified by what we’re talking about today, doing these things, class prep, increasing your competence, working on yourself, doing the things you need to do and increasing human connection. We could go on and on. I know I’m sure we’re we’re at the tail end here. All of this meets with the next one, which maybe this is for the next podcast, communication skills. Yeah. Maybe that’s where we leave off. But those three Cs, class prep, confidence and connection absolutely need to be there to deliver a high quality service that people want to keep coming back for.

Josh (36:16):

Well, Shawn, it’s always just such a pleasure to talk with you on these episodes. And I know that coaches and owners alike, if they listened and were distraction-free, they will take a tremendous amount of value and hopefully level up their service, you know, 10x at their gyms. So thanks for your time.

Shawn (36:39):

I don’t mean to interrupt you. What the watch, this, what the best do or will do is they either listen to this and were taking notes or they’ll listen to it again and take notes. That’s what’s going to separate people.

Josh (36:53):

I think we leave it right there. My friend, it’s been a pleasure.

Shawn (36:55):

Thank you everybody. Take care.

Chris (37:00):

Chris Cooper here. Thanks for listening to Two-Brain Radio. If you aren’t in the Gym Owners United group on Facebook, this is my personal invitation to join. It’s the only public Facebook group that I participate in and I’m in there all the time with tips, tactics, and free resources. I’d love to network with you and help you grow your business. Join Gym Owners United on Facebook.

Speaker 4 (37:25):



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