Client Spotlight: Nick Seabock

A portrait of gym owner Nick Seabock and his family.

Nick Seabock found CrossFit in late 2014 while working as a sous chef, and he was instantly hooked. 

“I fell in love and felt a sense of belonging that I haven’t experienced,” he said. 

He soon started coaching and ended up purchasing CrossFit Off the Grid in 2019. 

But as a new entrepreneur with no “business degree,” he felt like he needed a guide. 

“After getting email after email (from Chris Cooper) that resonated with me in some way, I signed up with Two-Brain Business,” Nick said.

In the beginning, mentor Jeff Jucha had Nick focus on shoring up his foundation and creating systems and standard operating procedures so that his business could run without constant oversight. Then, Nick turned to setting monthly and yearly goals, diversifying revenue streams, and working on staff development. 

“Two-Brain helped me become a more proficient and professional business owner. Creating systems and protocols and getting the business out of my head and onto paper was very important. Most of my growth has been by being consistent and communicating. It’s important to have the hard conversations and not get stuck in the world of ‘shoulds’ (with staff),” Nick explained.

Seabock said Two-Brain mentorship helped his business survive—and thrive—during the pandemic. 

“Two-Brain was the guiding light I needed. Working with my mentor to maintain clarity, remain calm and stay focused was imperative. Two-Brain was receiving constant feedback from gyms all over the world and with that information was able to lead us based on what was working … during a time when things were changing day by day.”

Now, Nick is “pretty much living about 95 percent” of his Perfect Day. 

“My future hopes include getting into some real estate, mentoring the staff at Off the Grid and continuing growing the business. Who knows? Maybe starting another business down the road!”

To find out more about working with a mentor, book a call here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.