Client Spotlight: Ashley Sabato

A black and white portrait of gym owner Ashley Sabato.

Ashley Sabato worked in physical therapy clinics from the time she was 14.

“I started out as an aide and worked my way up,” she said. “I enjoyed helping people and learned so much through working with so many different types of patients.” 

However, she noticed that when clients finished treatment, no one helped them bridge the gap from “done with therapy” to “functionally active again.” So Ashley got a personal training credential to continue working with her patients after they were discharged. 

“Very quickly, I learned I loved helping people from sickness to wellness to fitness,” she said. “Eventually, I worked in enough gyms to know I wanted to open my own. I opened my first fitness studio in 2016.”

GET Fit, like many other gyms, struggled through the pandemic. 

“I’d heard about Two-Brain from other gym owners. I wasn’t planning on committing to anything, but I wanted to hear what they were about. After talking to the Two-Brain rep for about three minutes, I was in!”

Ashley’s mentor, Peter Brasovan, pushed her to grow. 

“The pandemic was hard for us. But it was an opportunity to step back and really assess the strength of my business. Peter asks the hard questions all the time. He has helped me find a strong path to shape so many aspects of my business,” Ashley said.

Two-Brain changed how Ashley structured her business model and helped her focus on what’s most important. 

“I don’t think there is a single stone … that Two-Brain hasn’t helped with in some great capacity. As a leader, I am always still learning every single day. But Two-Brain has made sure to teach me the importance of values and vision.”

As for her Perfect Day? Ashley is there already. 

“I think every phase of entrepreneurship has its own perfect day. I’ve gone through many phases of that over the last year and a half, and each corner I turn is a new perfect day I couldn’t have imagined. It’s very important to me to find balance in defining where I want to be and remembering where I started. That balance keeps me humbly working harder every day to help as many people as I can.”

To find out more about working with a mentor, book a call here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing 5 ways to do it.