Client Spotlight: Kyle Counts

A portrait of gym owner Kyle Counts.

After playing football in college, Kyle Counts completely let himself go. So he started exercising to try and drop weight. After running and doing traditional bodybuilding, he found CrossFit.  

“It quickly became an obsession and what I saw as a way to help other people fall in love with exercise like I did,” he said. 

Kyle soon earned a Level 1 CrossFit credential and opened a gym in his 600 sq.-ft. garage.

But things didn’t go as planned.

“CrossFit had never given us any help on building a successful business, and I always wanted to do it differently but just never could make the changes. I was ready to walk away from my gym.”

Luckily, he happened to attend the first affiliate summit and listened to gym owner and mentor Jeff Jucha talk about how he had changed his business.  

“I latched onto what he told me and reached out to him after the summit. He introduced me to Two-Brain,” Kyle said.

Jeff said if his goal was helping people, Kyle had to keep the doors open to do it. And keeping the doors open would mean running it like a business.

“My biggest challenge was believing I could charge what Jeff told me I was worth,” Kyle said. “The gym is in a town of 7,000 people, and we have a competitive gym across town, so thinking I could charge a higher rate seemed scary. I got through it by just leaning into the Two-Brain processes—and with Jeff’s encouragement.”

He continued: “What we do cannot be sold as a commodity. If it is sold that way, it gets purchased that way. Two-Brain forced me to do all the things I never did before: standard operating procedures, staff contracts, etc. These are the foundation of how I can own a business instead of a job.”

Kyle’s perfect day is “waking up, drinking a cup of coffee and heading to the gym to work out and not having to work unless I choose to,” he said. “I’m not there yet, but we are on our way. My hope is that I can continue to follow Jeff’s guidance and work the Two-Brain system to turn my gym into a solid business. And maybe I can share my experiences with others so they can see it is doable for them as well.”

To find out more about working with a mentor, book a call here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.