Client Spotlight: Rachel Compton

rachel compton

Rachel Compton found CrossFit in 2012. After playing Division I soccer, she needed something competitive. 

“It changed my life,” she said. “I knew I would coach CrossFit full time. One thing led to another, and I worked my ass off for eight years to have the opportunity to give back to others what CrossFit gave me.”

As Rachel took over an existing gym, she learned business wasn’t her strong suit: “I never saw how to do it right. I’d be dumb to go at it alone.”

She also faced some big challenges with CrossFit Achieve: “When taking over an existing gym, you never know what you are walking into. Not only that, taking over a gym in the middle of a pandemic with no guarantee of anything is crazy in itself!”

For back-up, Rachel called Two-Brain Business. Her mentor, gym owner Ashley Haun, first had her focus on setting up pricing based on value. Rachel gave her members two weeks’ notice and adjusted her rates. 

“I knew a price increase had to happen or I wouldn’t stay in business … . How did I get through it? I’m not sure. I blacked out, prayed a lot and just had 1,000 percent confidence in my ability that I was the right person for this. I betted everything on myself, and because of that, others did, too.”

Rachel lost a few members after she increased prices, but the support of her mentor gave her the strength to push on.

“Two-Brain has definitely helped me plan ahead, get organized on the back end and think outside the box. Being able to run ideas off someone else who’s already done it helped tremendously,” she said. “Prior to opening a business, I never had issues focusing, but now there is so much. It’s easy to just do nothing and get caught up in the day to day. Ashley keeps me focused.”

Rachel is still working out exactly what her Perfect Day looks like

I love working, seeing my members, coaching and learning,” she said. “My first goal is to remove myself from coaching five to seven hours daily and get to the point where I coach four times a week and at least one to two weekends a month, then have flex time to do other things inside the business.”

With her momentum building, Rachel has a sense that good things are coming.

“I don’t think I have fully tapped into this yet, but I know that with more time running my business and being with Two-Brain, I will grow tremendously!”

To find out more about working with a mentor, book a call here.


One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.