A portrait headshot of Two-Brain Business mentor Tim Caputo.


Tim Caputo

After taking sole ownership of a gym, Tim doubled its gross revenue, and PT revenue went from $25,000 a year to just about $25,000 per month on average.

Tim Caputo started working with Two-Brain in 2017 in an attempt to save his New York business.

After struggling with a partner when implementing a much-needed rate increase, Tim decided to buy the other half of the business, and he hasn’t looked back. After becoming sole owner, Tim doubled the gym’s gross revenue, and personal-training revenue went from $25,000 a year to just about $25,000 per month on average.

Tim has also rebranded to better accomplish his mission at One Life: help as many people as possible become as fit and healthy as possible.

With a strong business under him, Tim now focuses on sales, marketing and staff development at the gym, and he has time to invest helping other fitness entrepreneurs avoid the mistakes he made.

As a mentor, Tim’s specialties include building a thriving personal training business, leading from the front and nurturing team culture. He knows his stuff: Most of his coaches have been with him for over seven years, with two of seven now at 10 years of service and counting as of 2023.

Aside from coaching credentials, Tim managed a retail store for six years and holds a bachelor’s degree with a specialty in nutrition.

Outside the gym and his mentorship practice, Tim enjoys watching sports with his wife and twin kids. When they aren’t cheering for the home team, they’ll hit the road to travel or they’ll take in a movie, with a stop at Chipotle on the way home.

“My mission is to help other gym owners run successful businesses. I want to help them help their clients be fit and healthy.”

the definition of insanity is

Trying the Same Thing Over and Over Again
And Expecting Different Results

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