Matt VanSchoyck lives “in the middle of a cornfield” and is the owner and COO of two thriving CrossFit gyms in small towns. CrossFit Final Call Robinson serves a town of 6,700, while CrossFit Final Call Vincennes serves 15,000.
Not long after opening his first gym, in Robinson, Illinois, Matt realized he had “no idea how to run a business.” When he began looking for guidance, Two-Brain’s Help First philosophy resonated with Matt’s mission to help people and enrich his community.
Two years into gym ownership, Matt and wife Lindsey opened the Vincennes location, about 45 miles from the first gym. They opened in the black and have stayed there ever since, also finding success with a robust ongoing nutrition program.
As COO of the two gyms, Matt’s focus is on leadership—specifically, leading from the front.
“Leadership is more than accepting responsibility when things go right or wrong,” he said. “Leadership is about providing purpose, motivation, and direction to accomplish the mission and improve the organization. If we can develop ourselves as true leaders in our business, everything else will follow.”
Matt credits Two-Brain Business mentors with helping him develop his leadership skills, but his military experience also shaped his approach. He served for six years in the 1544th Transportation Unit of the Illinois National Guard, with a year-long combat tour in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom II.
As a Two-Brain mentor, Matt uses his skills to help other gym owners build structure, overcome fear, navigate through struggle and fulfill their missions.
In his role as a Tinker coach, Matt helps people figure out how to navigate their newfound freedom and determine what’s next when they get to higher levels of entrepreneurship. He wants to be there to support and guide them and to connect them with the resources and people they need to increase their impact on the world.
When he’s not doing that or tending to his own business, Matt loves to work out and play with his three kids and the family dog. And you can still catch him out on the floor when it fits into his Perfect Day.
“I still love to coach occasionally,” he said. “Especially weightlifting!