
Brian Strump

Brian Strump’s passion for helping people began on the chiropractic table.

Brian became a licensed doctor of chiropractic in 2003 and practiced in private groups and conventional fitness centers for the next six years.

In 2009, he opened CrossFit Steele Creek and Premier Health and Rehab Services—today known collectively as Live Active Charlotte—in Charlotte, North Carolina, to help people pursue total health and fitness under one roof. 

The business was successful—so successful that Brian reached out to Chris Cooper in 2013 for help managing it. In order to get the most out of his time, profits and opportunities, Brian needed to learn to work on his business instead of in it.

Mentorship with Two-Brain Business helped Brian develop systems that allowed the business to grow without his constant presence and create opportunities for others to develop careers within the brand.

“It’s really given me the confidence to be a better leader,” Brian said.

Since then, Live Active Charlotte has grown from a chiropractic office and group-CrossFit hybrid to an all-encompassing wellness brand offering chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, personal training, CrossFit, nutrition coaching, yoga and corporate wellness programs. More than 10 percent of Brian’s members have been there 10-plus years. 

In 2023, Brian took another big step forward: He purchased his building and became a partner in buying another gym five miles away. 

Now, Brian said, it’s time to give back as a Certified Two-Brain Mentor.

“The best way for me to thank those that helped me in the past would be to do my best to help others create the lives they want for themselves and others,” he said.

Brian’s areas of expertise include staff building, leadership, staff and member retention, and financial planning. 

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” - Albert Schweitzer

the definition of insanity is

Trying the Same Thing Over and Over Again
And Expecting Different Results

Join the Two-Brain Business Mentoring Program and start making real progress over the next 52 weeks.