$827 Average Revenue Per Member: All Things Revealed

$827 Average Revenue Per Member: All Things Revealed

Mike Warkentin (00:02):
Josh, what was your average revenue per member in September?

Josh Elsesser (00:06):

Mike Warkentin (00:08):
Excuse me? I thought you said $827.

Josh Elsesser (00:11):
I did. 827.

Mike Warkentin (00:13):
No word of a lie? That’s your average revenue per member?

Josh Elsesser (00:16):
That was it. Yep.

Mike Warkentin (00:17):
Okay. There is literally nothing else I can say to hook you as a listener for Two-Brain Radio. So I’m just gonna tell you that I’m your host, Mike Warkentin. I’m here with Josh Elsesser of Invictus Fitness. That is in San Juan Capistrano, California. His gym earned a spot on Two-Brain’s top 10 leaderboard for average revenue per member in September. And Josh has kindly offered to share the details behind the numbers. So listen and learn. Josh, welcome. Thank you so much for being here.

Josh Elsesser (00:47):
Thank you for having me.

Mike Warkentin (00:49):
I can’t wait to dig into this because it’s a number that’s incredible. If you had told me this was possible back when I started my gym in 2011—my average revenue per member was probably $70—I would’ve laughed. And now I wanna know about it. So tell me, what’s the basis of this number? Tell me about your gym and your business model. Like what exactly are you selling to clients for that price?

Josh Elsesser (01:09):
So we are a one-on-one and small-group personal-training studio. So that’s all we sell is service. We don’t do open gym. We don’t do large-group training. It’s one-on-one coaching, and it’s small-group training. When I say “small group,” it’s four people or less. And the unique thing about the way that we, that we operate is every client that joins gets their own custom program. So there’s no cookie-cutter, generalized, one-size-fits-all programming. Everybody gets a program designed specifically for them. So what this allows us to do then is individualize everything—not only the program but the plan that they sign up under. And, you know, even though they’re in a small group of four people or so, everybody is doing their own workout. So it’s still led by a coach that has the program there for every one of the clients, and they’re guiding and coaching and cueing and motivating and inspiring all the way through. But it allows us to really individualize the experience for the individual. You know, in the past when we first started, we had done the large-group training kind of model similar to the CrossFits or the Orangetheories or different things. And, you know, we ran a bunch of six-week challenges and different things, and we had a lot of revenue, but our profit was super, super low, right? So our expenses were high and it was a constant churn of members, right? We got a lot of people who were looking for that quick fix. You know, “lose a bunch of weight right now and I’m not really interested in the long term.”

Josh Elsesser (02:48):
And that’s not who we wanted to serve. That’s not, that’s not our passion. So we made this switch last year to going to this individualized programming model, and we had a little bit of resistance initially, but within about 30 days, every one of our clients that had been with us for a while was hooked. They were sold on it. And so that’s what I think is the biggest difference is. When we say “small group,” we really mean small group—like it’s four people. And even the members sometimes or the clients try to push back on that and say, “Oh, well can you add a fifth client?” And we’re just like, “No. Like, there’s no more spaces.” We wanna preserve that experience for everybody that’s in here. And we feel like the four-to-one ratio is about as much as we can get the way that we do the programming.

Mike Warkentin (03:33):
Okay, So this is interesting. Do you know Brian Bott, another Two-Brain gym owner?

Josh Elsesser (03:37):
I don’t, but his name has been brought up a couple of times.

Mike Warkentin (03:39):
Yeah. And listeners, I want you guys to pay attention. Brian did a show with us. He was on our ARM leaderboard some months back. His score I think was $426, if I am not mistaken. We’ll get a link in the show notes for you. He does something very similar where he’s doing semi-private training. So the interesting thing here is it’s not just one workout or WOD on the whiteboard that’s adjusted for everyone. He’s actually individually coaching clients all at the same time through their personalized program. And he thought that was one of the secrets of his ARM. So it’s interesting to hear you, Josh, say the same thing. Because increased customization and personalization has more value because a client’s gonna get more results faster. You are gonna give them more. I wanna ask you a couple of detailed questions here. When you made this change, did you change locations or size of locations or anything like that?

Josh Elsesser (04:22):
No, we’ve been in the same spot for six years. It’s about 1,580 square feet.

Mike Warkentin (04:28):
Okay. But that’s a nice size. That’s not at one of those gigantic, 6,000-, 20,000-square foot facilities. That’s a manageable space, and it’s more than enough for four people. I think my wife trains four people per group in 600 square feet, something small like that So 1,500, you’ve got lots of space to space everyone out and personalize that. In these programs, do you offer nutrition and mindset and accountability and other stuff that goes along?

Josh Elsesser (04:50):
So we have a VIP or kind of a high-ticket offer that we offer at the beginning, which is a 12-week program, and we call it Momentum. And with that they get up to three times per week of small-group personal training. They get weekly mindset and nutrition coaching. So those are our three pillars: exercise, nutrition and mindset. And we find that mindset is kind of the thing that really brings everything full circle, right? Everybody comes in expecting good workouts, right? Like that’s a staple. Everybody is looking for some guidance on nutrition. We take a very habit-based approach to nutrition. We don’t do a lot of meal plans and macros and calorie counting. We’ve developed what we call our “six rules for nutrition,” and we kind of coach everybody to those six rules. We believe that, regardless of your goal, if you follow those six rules, you’ll be successful. But the real thing that, like I said, brings everything together is the mindset. So we spend a lot of time helping people work on standards and expectations and looking for small wins and things that are gonna keep them motivated and keep them moving forward long term versus the number on the scale or the way their clothes fit or how much weight they’re lifting. And that’s a big one for us because, you know, so many times we find that,  especially our clientele, the people that we serve, they tend to be those very successful people in every other aspect of their life other than their health and fitness. And they used to be pretty fit at some point. They used to be athletes most of the time. But they also have this very like aggressive all-or-nothing mentality typically in everything, right? “And if I can’t do it 110%, then I’m not gonna do anything at all.” And for us, it’s a lot about helping re-establish a new way of thinking about fitness and health. And you know, in our mission statement we say, you know, it’s maximizing your fitness potential without sacrificing your health. Because for us, health is the most important thing. We are more interested in how well you move when you’re 80 than how well you look in a bathing suit right now. Right? So that’s, that’s kind of our thing.

Mike Warkentin (06:59):
And that’s interesting. So you’re one of the first gym owners I’ve spoken to about this who hasn’t sort of tacked on mindset coaching as an afterthought—like “we do that, too.” What I’m hearing from you is that that’s a pillar. And that’s interesting because we all know that athletes need that. The mental game is, you know, what’s the old quote from, I think it was Greg Amundson from CrossFit, “The adaptation to CrossFit between the ears.” And I think actually that might be Greg Glassman, if I’m not mistaken. But, either way, the mindset game is something that a lot of us just think, “Ah, we’ll add that on as a bonus,” but you’ve got it as an actual pillar of your business. That’s fascinating. So to get into your program, is it a 12-week thing that everyone does? Is that how you operate, or how do you get people in?

Josh Elsesser (07:39):
That’s the intro. Again, we’re coaches. We’re professional coaches. We’re personal trainers first and foremost. And, you know, I’ve been doing this for 25 years, okay. And all my experience, any time that I’ve allowed somebody to join on a shorter-term commitment, like a month or a week or even six weeks, we tend to not get the same level of buy-in. We don’t get the same level of experience, and we definitely don’t get the same kind of results that we can get. So our initial commitment is 12 weeks for everybody, whether that’s one-on-one training or small-group personal training. And we feel that that 12 weeks allows us to really be able to dive in and spend enough time getting into all three areas of what we consider our hierarchy of health and fitness—which is nutrition, exercise and mindset. And yeah, that’s the entrance for us. We don’t do the, you know, if somebody had done a 12-week program in the past—and after that 12 weeks it goes month to month—and then they left for some reason and they come back, as long as it’s within about a 12-month period, we’ll let them come back as a month-to-month buy-in again. But if it goes over, you know, six to 12 months, then we make them do the 12-week commitment again and start from scratch.

Mike Warkentin (08:56):
So this is the opposite of the challenge mindset, where someone just jumps in for four to six weeks, tries to lose five pounds, whatever, and then you immediately either have to resell them or just say goodbye to them. And they probably didn’t get results because it’s just not long enough to make a huge change. So I love what you’re saying. 12 weeks is a long time. It’s certainly not a lifetime of fitness, but it’s enough that you can get them into a habit. You can teach them stuff, you can adjust their mindset, you can educate them, and they are going to see progress. And then the retention, I’m guessing, from your 12-week intro to actually becoming a long-term client is good. It sounds like it would be good.

Josh Elsesser (09:31):
It’s about 85% right now.

Mike Warkentin (09:33):
It’s very high. when I had a, when I ran a challenge at my gym, I think our conversion was like 15 or 20% or something abysmal, and those members were valuable, but we lost the others because they weren’t seeing the results. So I love this. Now, where do you find these people? How do you find a person who’s willing to pay this kind of money and make this kind of commitment to their health?

Josh Elsesser (09:51):
You know lately Google has been the best way for us to find them, somebody that’s out there looking for something. You know, we put most of our advertising budget into Google Ads right now. And we’ve done a number of different ones. We’ve done Facebook ads, and we tend to get leads that are very fickle or are not of the quality that we’re looking for. Like, we’re a high-ticket gym to begin with, right? Like, if you’re gonna do our Momentum program, even with GPT, you’re spending close to $2,400 right up front. So, you know, we’re looking for the people who want the higher level of service, the ones that drive the Teslas and stuff. So, you know, typically Google Ads. We do do a lot of outreach. So we get out in the community quite a bit. We’re pretty well known in the area. As for our services, we just got voted number one personal trainer in San Juan Capistrano again. Pretty excited about that. And then some referrals. Referrals has been an interesting challenge for us because our clients are relatively affluent. And so offering some form of monetary incentive doesn’t really incentivize them, right? They bring people because they want other people to experience what they’ve experienced. And it’s also been a challenge to get our clients to be able to speak to their friends and family about us in the way we want them to. Because we don’t like to use the word “gym” very much. We’re not a gym, right? We’re a training studio. We’re not, you know, when you say “gym,” most people have an image in their mind of a 24-Hour Fitness or a Lifetime or something, right? A bunch of people working out, doing their own thing and nobody really getting any results. And, ours is a service, right? So we don’t even like to use the word “classes.” Everything is “sessions.” So even for our group personal training, they don’t attend classes; they come to sessions. So it’s been a challenge for that. So figuring out some different ways to increase our referrals has been something that we’ve been focused on. But, you know, primarily Google is where we’re getting most of them.

Mike Warkentin (12:01):
Okay, That’s interesting. Cause often when I ask gym owners about this stuff, they’ll tell me Facebook advertising and they’ll tell me referrals. And obviously you’re working referrals as well. But you’ve evaluated the quality of your leads. You obviously know your avatar. You know who you’re looking for. You’re not looking for the 22-year-old college kid who is struggling to pay the bills. You are looking for someone who has the means to invest in health and fitness. So that obviously allows you to tailor your market. It’s interesting. Google is unexplored space for a lot of gyms. So it’s really cool that you’re doing that. And I like the fact that you’re really setting yourself apart where it’s not a gym, because “gym” comes with all those connotations, bad in many ways, when you’re trying to sell something more expensive. So it helps you set yourself apart. So someone’s looking for personal training and you come up. People who are shopping for personal training, I’m guessing, are generally not surprised by rates that are more than $19.99 a month. Have you found that?

Josh Elsesser (12:50):
Yeah. I mean, we still get ’em from time to time, you know. In our qualification process, we’ll tend to have a phone call before we invite them into a No Sweat Intro. But a lot of times it’s like, “Oh, wow, I was thinking it was gonna be this.” And, you know, even from a personal-training standpoint, we’re on the higher end. I mean, again, everything we do is designed for busy people. So everything is 45 minutes. So, you know, our one-on-one sessions are $90 for a 45-minute session. So that is still on the higher end for a lot of people.

Mike Warkentin (13:26):
Okay. That’s interesting: 45-minute sessions. Listeners, that is an interesting thing because you’re working with busy people and you know that, so you’re tailoring your classes to them. Do you have to give ’em a full hour? Not if they’re getting results in 45 minutes and they’re busy. You’re paying for speed. I love that. I have so many questions I wanna ask you, but I’m gonna ask you this one here: You have these high-ticket people, so obviously retention is gonna be a big deal for you. So at Two-Brain, we know for certain with data that Goal Review Sessions every 90 days increase retention. We know that that’s a great thing. I understand that you do these sessions every month. So tell me why you do that and what do they do for your ARM and retention?

Josh Elsesser (14:04):
You know, so we started doing monthly, we call ’em “accountability sessions,” monthly accountability sessions, a couple years ago. And it was well before we were a Two-Brain gym. And, you know, I think that the conversation that me and my business partner had is, “you know, we’ve gotta do something more, right? There needs to be some more touchpoints, and we need to keep people from falling through the cracks and not feeling supported and not having something that they’re working on.” So we initiated these monthly sessions a couple years ago, and it was interesting because there was a little bit of pushback at first. We started to get, you know, some of our clients that were like, “I don’t need these every month. Nothing’s really changed.” And so over the period of time, these sessions have evolved in what we ask and how we ask it. And, you know, we’ve developed like a, not so much a script. We definitely have an SOP in a standardized form that we use to try and make the experience consistent from client to client. But what we’ve found that they do is they really allow us to stay connected with what’s going on in our clients’ lives, in their fitness, right? So we know when their birthdays are. We know when their anniversaries are, not just for the gym, but with their spouses. We know what’s going on from a vacation standpoint. Again, our clients are relatively affluent, so to take vacations whenever they want is not unheard of. It happens a lot. So being able to stay on track with that and be able to provide some guidance even when they’re on vacation has been something that has allowed us to enhance our value, which I think then enhances retention and our average revenue per member as well.

Mike Warkentin (15:52):
Congratulations for figuring that out. Because I would’ve operated a gym for a hundred years and I probably would never have thought to put in Goal Review Sessions or accountability sessions or whatever the name would be at your business. I would’ve just kept trying to do like, “Oh, we have a weightlifting program.” You know, I would never have come across that. So for you to do that is really interesting. And the cool part about this is when I talk to gym owners now, a lot of ’em are just starting to put these sessions in. And this was me. We put them in through Two-Brain, and our members didn’t buy in right away. It was tough to kind of make that happen. Now that you’ve done it for two or three years, I think two years, you said, are you finding that now that it’s just part of the service package, the people that are coming in just expect it?

Josh Elsesser (16:33):
Well, it’s interesting because when we added the Momentum program, they were used to meeting weekly. So they get weekly mindset, nutrition coaching in Momentum. So after that, it then goes down to monthly. So it’s almost like they are not getting as much as they had before. So they look forward to that monthly session because it’s a way to reconnect with the coach outside of the training sessions and to be able to talk about the experience. And, you know, we we’re real big on, not only talking about what’s going well for them, but, you know, what are the obstacles that they’re facing every single month, and what are the things that we can do to create strategies around those obstacles so that when they come up again, we have a way to deal with it and to keep them moving forward. Because, again, so often, especially our clients, because of the people that they are—they’re super, super, you wealthy, and maybe not super wealthy, but they’re affluent and they’re successful—when things come up in their life, they have a tendency to hit the stop button on fitness, right? Like, “Oh, things are so busy right now, I can’t afford to do this.” It’s like, well, you know, I stole this from John Berardi. It’s like instead of hitting a pause button, let’s use a dial. Let’s just dial it back a little bit. Like, you don’t have to stop altogether, but what if instead of coming five days a week, you come three days a week? Or we figure out some things that you can do at home? Or let’s work on just getting some additional movement in throughout the day. So we have mobility videos in our app and different things like that that they can have access to when life gets crazy. Which, you know, we tell people all the time, it’s not a matter of if it happens, it’s a matter of when it happens and how you are able to deal with it when it does.

Mike Warkentin (18:20):
So you’re using these sessions to retain members, to talk to them specifically with regard to life challenges and setting goals and things obviously. But I imagine that at certain times those things just don’t come up and you probably use them as sessions to just connect with your members. Right? And a lot of us never did that. I would talk to people on the way in. I would talk to ’em maybe a few minutes between sets, maybe on the way out. But I seldom sat down with a member for 15 minutes or however long and actually asked them “how is your life going? Oh, you have a birthday coming up. How’s your dog? I know your kids are in school.” Whatever. So just being able to talk to them strengthens that bond, which I’m guessing is gonna be a big part of your retention strategy.

Josh Elsesser (18:55):
My business partner, Kamal, is the experience guy for our gym. And he is hands down the best people connector I’ve ever met in this business. Like I’ve never met somebody that can connect with somebody the way Kamal does. And it’s somewhat frustrating because I’m kind of like the science and the technical guy, and I write all the programs, but when people get results, they don’t give me the credit. They give Kamal the credit because he’s the one that has that relationship with them, and he’s really good at coming up with unique ways. So whether we do the accountability sessions over the phone or in person, he’ll, a lot of times, like he’s on one right now. He took the client out and they’re getting coffee and hanging out, and they get him outside of the gym, which then, you know, changes the experience all the way around, right? So he ends up being a psychologist half the time, right, helping talk people down off of the ledge, so to speak, in terms of, you know, things aren’t going right in the way they want it to. So how do we reframe that conversation or reframe that thought process to show what progress is being made and how we can continue making that progress. And it’s amazing to listen to, like to just sit back and listen to that conversation and how he’s able to keep people moving and motivating. It’s incredible, actually.

Mike Warkentin (20:23):
So you’re building lifestyles and relationships, and you actually have a person, your partner, who is, you said I think, the “experience guy.” Is that his role: “I am the client experience director?”

Josh Elsesser (20:34):
Yeah, I mean we don’t have titles like that, but his role is to make sure that the clients are getting the experience not only that we promised them but more than what we promised them. And his job is to not only make sure that’s happened but to come up with additional ideas all the time. And, you know, it’s funny because him and I butt heads because I do like the operations and business and sales stuff. So, you know, he’s so interested in making it the best possible experience for the client that sometimes he doesn’t really think about the financial aspect of it or the logistics of it. So we’re always kind of like battling it out, like trying to figure out is that the best idea or how do we implement something like that? Is there a small change that needs to be made that we can add to it? We feel like we are always iterating on our business. Like we’re never complacent. I feel like the minute we become complacent, we might as well shut the doors and move on because we’re not doing anything that’s groundbreaking and fun. And, you know, I have a love-hate relationship with the fitness business. I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’ve worked at a lot of different places. I feel like the fitness industry is the one industry that can truly change somebody’s life without any side effects. Like there’s no downside to getting healthy and getting fit, right? But the way that a lot of the fitness industry operates, in my opinion is not very ethical in a lot of ways. And you know, that’s one of our big things: We’re not interested in quick fixes. We don’t do what I call the drink-from-a-fire-hose approach to coaching, right? Like everything is about, you know, an individual person, their individual needs, and what do we need to do in order to help them achieve the results that they want? But doing it in a way that’s conducive to their lifestyle that doesn’t cause an overhaul of everything that they’re doing.

Mike Warkentin (22:33):
So you have to balance that. Has Kamal ever tried to set up a Catalina Wine Mixer for your clients with a full live band and everything?

Josh Elsesser (22:41):
No. You know, Kamal doesn’t drink. He never has. So anything alcohol related doesn’t fit. But we have had a lot of discussion about maybe retreats or different things of that nature. You know, he goes on a hike with our clients once a month and gets them out of the club. We do a monthly educational seminar. I actually stole office hours. The idea of office hours. We do that once a month for our clients and just give them the opportunity to ask any question that’s health, fitness, mindset, exercise related, and we will answer it. And, like I said, Kamal is the experience guy. So he is the one that calls the clients if they haven’t been here for five days or more. He’s the one that’s keeping tabs on everybody. So they’re feeling like there is a support system that is there that they’re not used to having.

Mike Warkentin (23:39):
So he’s like a client success manager, but like a high-octane Formula One kind of client success manager where it’s an experience. I love that. And that’s what you would need for the level of client that you have. And listeners, office hours is this: We have experts at Two-Brain that will host an hour session, and it happens every week, and anyone from the Two-Brain Growth group can come and watch. And for example, I do them on videos and media topics and people can come and interact, ask any questions they want. It’s a value add, where clients can just get extra stuff from specialists. We do how to build your nutrition business, how to sell personal training, paid ads. So doing that for clients is a really interesting thing because you can serve a bunch of people in one hour of your time and make them feel like, “wow, I just got a ton of great face time with a coach and an expert and it didn’t cost me anything extra.” But it is part of the value of your package. I won’t even ask you if Kamal has ever rented a super yacht or anything like that. Let’s just let that one float by. I do wanna ask you this, though. So you’re talking about retention. It’s super important, obviously, when you’ve got a high ARM. Everyone who joins is a big deal and everyone who leaves is a big deal. Talk to me about how you reach out to other older members or people who have departed. Is there a system that you have in place that helps you reconnect with them? Because the people that are most likely to buy are often the people who have bought in the past.

Josh Elsesser (24:57):
Yes. We have a few different ways that we reconnect or continue to talk to them. So the software system that we use has a full CRM built into it. So I have a long-term nurture sequence that’s specifically for former clients, where, every three months minimum, they’re getting an email or they’re getting a text message from us just checking in on them. So that’s an automated thing. In addition to that, one of my daily tasks is to have a personal phone call with at least five former clients every day. So the idea is “how are you doing? What’s going on in your world? Is there something that we can do to help?” Without even saying, “Do you wanna come back?” or whatever. It’s more of like, “You were part of the family at one point. We don’t ever consider you not part of the family. We wanna make sure that you’re getting the things that you need to get, whether that’s with us or at another gym or on your own, whatever that is.” And we feel like it’s that “giver’s gain” kind of mentality, right? If we can continue to provide guidance, even if that’s just some words of encouragement or motivation or something like that, then, that’s what we’re going to do. And then social media wise, most of our former clients are connected to us through social media in some way. So, you know, again, Kamal is phenomenal. He’s a very motivational-speaker-type personality. And so we post a lot of motivational videos and things that just like get people thinking and going. We still get quite a bit of engagement from former clients on that regard.

Mike Warkentin (26:35):
Where can people follow you? Where can people see this stuff?

Josh Elsesser (26:38):
So Iaminvictusfit is our Facebook and Instagram. And then is our website.

Mike Warkentin (26:46):
Okay. How often do you get, we’ll call them “boomerang clients,” when you talk to people who have left for whatever reason?

Josh Elsesser (26:55):
Yeah, we get ’em, you know, every couple of months we’ll get somebody that’ll come back that hasn’t been here for a little bit. And, you know, again, our program has changed over the years. So, you know, anybody that was a client last year, it’s a totally different experience coming in now. And when we explain how we’ve changed and why we did it and what they’re getting out of it, it usually is a pretty easy conversation and a no-brainer for them to sign back up if it’s within means.

Mike Warkentin (27:31):
I always encourage gym owners to contact their former clients because it’s just such a win no matter what happens. You are reconnecting with someone who knows, likes and trusts you, with a few exceptions here and there. But in general, these are people who liked you and paid for your service and are likely to do so again. At the very least, you’re connecting with them. They see your face, they hear your voice, or they see your email, whatever. That’s a connection that maybe down the line might pay dividends. They might come back, and you’re saying that it’s happened to you many times. And for you, these are gonna be high-value clients coming in. So it’s a huge deal. I want you to give gym owners something to do right now because they overcomplicate this all the time. How do you start a conversation with a former client? What do you say?

Josh Elsesser (28:14):
How’s things? How’s it going? Tell me what’s going on in your world? What’s different? What’s happening in your world right now, and what are you doing for your health and fitness? Like, talk to me. What’s happening?

Mike Warkentin (28:27):
And away you go. That’s it. Gym owners, if you’re listening, I would encourage you to stop this episode at the end. Pick up the phone and do that with five clients. See what happens. And you don’t have to overcomplicate it. How are you doing? Start with that. So what’s next for you guys? What is your plan? You’ve got a great ARM. What are you focusing on right now to build this business? Close it out for me. Tell me what you’ve got in the future.

Josh Elsesser (28:52):
Our goal right now is to start to scale. We obviously wanna max out the space that we’re in, but our goal is to start to open additional locations. In addition to that, we have a unique programming model that we’ve developed. And we’re gonna start a system to start trying to train some coaches on that programming model and allow them to utilize it in other places. So whether it’s here or anywhere else. So that’s some of our big goals in, you know, five, 10 years.

Mike Warkentin (29:29):
I’m not gonna hold our listeners up. I want them to go out there and I want them to contact five clients with your script that you just gave them. Simple as it is, it is very, very effective. And Josh is getting clients back with it. You can, too. Josh, thank you so much for pulling back the curtain here and letting us take a look inside your business and at all the stuff that goes into a huge ARM. That was Josh Elsesser. Thank you for listening to Two-Brain Radio. We’re here twice a week. Please hit subscribe on the way out, wherever you are watching or listening. Now, here’s Chris Cooper with a final message.

Chris Cooper (30:01):
Hey, it’s Two-Brain founder Chris Cooper with a quick note. The Gym Owners United Facebook group has more than 6,100 members and its growing daily. If you aren’t benefiting from the free tips and tactics and resources that I post daily in that group, what are you waiting for? Get in there and grow your business. That’s Gym Owners United on Facebook or Join today.

Thanks for listening!

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One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.