How This Gym Owner Generated $57,000 in Monthly Revenue With No Ad Spend

Podcast-1 (70)

Mike Warkentin (00:00):
Our revenue leaderboards at Two-Brain are always sick. In April, the Top 10, everyone on the leaderboard was over US$50,000. The Number 1 gym: over $80,000. These are consistent numbers too, not just outlier months. One of our leaderboarders is here on the show, and he’s gonna tell you exactly how we earned a spot on the Top 10 leaderboard. Don’t go anywhere—you need to hear this show. Welcome to “Run a Profitable Gym.” My name is Mike Warkentin. I believe that you can listen to the guests on this show every week and measurably, dramatically improve your gym business. So don’t forget to subscribe. I don’t want you to miss a single show or any of the great guests that I have upcoming. Now on to Tommy Alfinito. He owns Hygge Fitness in Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey. Because he’s so good at running a gym, he actually has time to get into real estate. He started a cool project called Wildfether Distillery. But we’re here to talk gym business, not whiskey, although we’ll get to that a different show. So let’s start digging for details so you can bump up your revenue. Tommy, welcome to the show.

Tommy Alfinito (00:57):
Thanks for having me.

Mike Warkentin (00:58):
I Can’t wait to get into this. I’m gonna get right to the blunt question so our listeners get the answer right away: What’s the Number 1 thing that helps you generate more than $50,000 in revenue every month?

Tommy Alfinito (01:08):
Yeah, so as I was like getting prepared for this podcast, I kind of went back and was thinking through all the different stages. So I’ve had the gym for 13 years, and I like wrote out each stage and what we did that really like grew revenue. And we can definitely get into that if you think it’ll be interesting. But as I looked at everything, I kind of saw an overarching theme, and that was really just having this laser focus on growing one thing. And then within that, like knowing who we’re for and who we’re trying to get ahold of and kind of putting that out into the world so those people know like, “Oh, this is the place. I’m that person. This is the place to go.” Yeah, so that was kind of like, I think the big lessons that I even took away. I don’t know if I was super aware until I started looking at those stages.

Mike Warkentin (01:54):
So laser focus. Meaning like when I started a gym, I tried to do all the things. So laser focus on just growing certain aspects of the business—focusing on this, call it a 90-day sprint or whatever, crush that thing, then move on to the next thing. Rather than spinning 50 plates at once, you’re spinning a few plates really well, making sure they keep spinning and then moving on. And what I heard from you there is also that you’ve applied that focus to your market. Instead of trying to find every single client, which is what I did, you’re trying to find the best clients who will pay you high-value money and stay for a long time. Is that right?

Tommy Alfinito (02:26):
Yeah, that’s right. And like when I was looking through my different stages, my first stage, like when we first opened, we just offered group class. So that was all we offered was group training. So it’s like I, you know, was very green in business. I probably had no idea that that was a good thing. But my business was just—we had one thing to sell. If you walked in the door, you could come into group training. And we, early on we were very focused on people who were competitive and wanted to compete or wanted to be in that group. So like everything we put out was for that group and we could, like I said, one thing when you came in. So we didn’t have the distractions of trying to grow group and PT and a nutrition program at the same time. It was just like you walked in the door: “Here’s what we offer. This is exactly who we’re for.” And if you were that person, you were like, “Sign me up.”

Mike Warkentin (03:13):
That’s almost a good thing in the sense that a lot of gym owners—Chris Cooper’s written about this—they feel pressured to do lots of things. Like “I should expand or run this program, this program, this program.” I was definitely guilty of putting into place some programs I probably didn’t need to. There’s nothing wrong with starting one thing really strong, making it excellent and then cautiously expanding outside that—say adding a nutrition program next, getting that solidified, then adding a kids program, maybe having only three or four really strong revenue streams instead of trying to do 60 different things. Right? Like that was a mistake I made. But you seemed to avoid the temptation.

Tommy Alfinito (03:46):
Yeah, and we’ve added more stuff over time. But it’s like you can only grow one of those things. And even most recently, like my GM is really organized, and one of the things she focused on was adding specialty classes, and she’s been able to add a few thousand dollars of revenue. But during that time, our group, we figured out that past 220 people, I’ll start the cap. It’s too many for us. So we hit the 220 number, and then we shifted our focus to specialties for a year, and it went really well. But our group actually just kind of slowly dropped over that year because we could only focus on one thing. That’s really what we’re finding. So the specialties grew and became this whole new revenue stream for us, which was great. And then like six months ago we had to turn all of our focus back to group to get us back up to kinda like our max number. And then now we’re seeing that grow really quickly. The past three months, the group has been growing again. So it’s just kind of funny. It’s like where you shine that beam on is really where the growth can happen for us.

Mike Warkentin (04:49):
So it’s focus, and it’s also careful expansion from a position of stability and power rather than just frantic movement. And, listeners, if you’re having trouble with this, ‘cause it’s very common, I struggle with this, a mentor can help. A mentor will tell you what to do when and how to do it exactly. That’s part of the point of our mentorship program. Tell me, you’ve given us some hints here, but gimme the 60-second rundown of your gym. What exactly you do there? How much space you got? What staff? Gimme that whole thing.

Tommy Alfinito (05:14):
Yeah, so we have we have a lot of space. We have 12,500 square feet. And it’s one of those things like we probably have more than we need. But we definitely utilize it all. So with the space, we have basically have three spaces. So in our busy times, we’ll be running three classes. We’ll be running like a 5 a.m. a 5:30 a.m., and then at night we’ll run a kids class or have personal training in there. So we do use all the space. But yeah, so 12,500 square feet. Gym’s been around for 13 years. We’ve been in this space for 10 years.

Mike Warkentin (05:47):
Nice. You’ve got roots.

Tommy Alfinito (05:49):
Yeah. And then for our staff we have five full-timers. Yeah.

Mike Warkentin (05:55):
And you did this right outta college, am I right?

Tommy Alfinito (05:59):
Yeah. Yeah. I was going to school for finance, and I did an internship my junior year and I was like—I think I was just having too much fun. I never really thought about what I wanted to do, and I just like, “I’ll do business.” And then, like, all right, pick a concentration the next year. And I’m like, “Finance sounds good.” And then I did the job, and I can see why people love the job. But I was like, “It’s not for me.” So I’ll never forget, I called my mom and I was like, “I should have done exercise science or something. I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t wanna do finance.” And my mom was my biggest supporter. She was like she was like, “Okay.” She’s like, “Well, change your major.” I was like, “I’m gonna graduate in a year. I don’t wanna go to school for longer. I’m just gonna open a gym.” And she was like, “All right, let’s do it.” So I graduated in December, and I had signed lease already, and we opened in January.

Mike Warkentin (06:45):
That’s really cool. And you know what? I bet that finance training probably helps you quite a bit because I think some people who have ex.-phys. training or anything like that, they struggle mightily with the business side even though they’re good coaches. But they’ve got a gym and they just wanna coach, not run the business. So maybe you did it the right way, and maybe a lot of us did it the wrong way by focusing on coaching credentials when we should have learned about business. But that’s a topic for another show. I wanna ask you this: Most people, when we talk about revenue, the classic thing is they think “more clients, how do I get more clients? How do I fill my gym?” But maybe they should be focusing on like retention and referrals first. And I know that you did an interview before this, and I read some of the stuff that you said. So talk to me about retention and referrals and how they affect your revenue number, which is amazing.

Tommy Alfinito (07:26):
Yeah. So, like I said, we recently re-put the focus on growing our group training. For us, when we’re really focused on giving the best class experience and the best service, that seems to just translate into growth for us more than anything else. Even like marketing or ads or things like that. So there’s, I think there’s two parts to that. The first thing was we had a lot of turnover. So we had the same coaches—we had four coaches that were here for five-plus years. And then in the last year we had three of them turn over and just leave for different reasons. So with that, we brought in new coaches, and it was kind of like a learning thing. Cause I’m not as involved in the business anymore. So before all my coaches learned from me, and then I’m not there now. And so I was having a hard time with this communication of me to my GM to the coaches and like getting them all to do it the way that we want it done. So I came up with this kind of like acronym thing, and it’s “3-2-1 to a perfect class.” And so the reason I have the gym is ‘cause I think personal connections are like the key to happiness. So I think our personal human connections with each other are what make us feel fulfilled. So that’s really what we try to do at the gym. So we created the 3-2-1 to highlight that. Why? And it’s basically every single class we want—oh my gosh, now I’m gonna blank on it as I have to say it. So every single class we want you to check in with three members by name. Right? Every single in every class, you should have two touchpoints with every single person in class. And then you should create one personal connection between two members in class. And that’s the biggest change that we did. And like just kind of again creating that focus on what we want the experience to be. And then everything kind of started growing again from there.

Mike Warkentin (09:25):
So the interesting part about that is that a lot of coaches will listen to this or gym owners will say, “Yeah, you should connect with your clients. No big deal. Tell me more.” But that’s not the point. The point is that you’re systemizing excellence and saying, “Here is exactly what I want you as a coach to do in this hour to connect with clients. Here is the standard of service.” And I’ve said it on the show a hundred times, and I’ll keep saying it a hundred more: systems equal success in the gym business. If you don’t have systems and you don’t have systemized procedures to govern your stuff, it’s not gonna work the way you want it to. And, Tommy, you would not be able to run a distillery and invest in real estate if you had to be in your gym trying to make this happen without systems. So, like, by laying this stuff out—and I love the 3-2-1 to a perfect class–it actually tells your coaches exactly what a 10 out of 10 is. How long did it take you to come up with systemizing and getting these things in place? Was that a concept that was new to you?

Tommy Alfinito (10:15):
I mean, I would say like it’s a concept that I struggle with, and I’m still learning a lot. It’s like forced learning now. Cause I only, I meet up with—I have a leadership team of the head coach and a GM, and I meet up with them once a week for an hour. And that’s kind of like, that’s my input into the gym. So it was just like a learning—like I was saying, I’m talking with them, but the classes aren’t exactly how I want them to run. So it’s like, yeah, I don’t know. It’s trial by fire. Right? And I think that’s how a lot of us learn, and it’s really simple. I like simplicity. That’s kind of like what—I like simplicity. I like to be focused. I like businesses that are kind of focused.

Tommy Alfinito (10:52):
But it’s also—I think the simplicity isn’t really the key. It’s that now that we have this made so like every week when we meet up we say, “Okay, we’re gonna focus on this portion of the 3-2-1. And then when they run the meeting with the team, that’s a 10-minute portion of the meeting. It’s talking about “all right, how are we doing with the two touchpoints? And is anyone having trouble or does anyone have anything that’s been successful?” And so like I think the actual magic is just in being really, really repetitive about it. Which I know as a business owner, all of us, like, that sounds so boring, but that’s what it takes. It’s just like, “Okay, we have this thing now. We don’t need to mess with it. It’s perfect. We just need to continually talk about it and continually embrace it.”

Mike Warkentin (11:36):
I’ll give you two incredible things that you can take from this podcast. The first is focus on doing one thing to grow your business measurably every day, and do it the very first thing. I’ve stolen this from Chris Cooper. Do something to grow your business every day. That could be emailing five members and saying, “How are you?” Something simple like that, that will have a measurable effect on your business. That is retention. That is growth because you’re gonna keep those people for longer. The other thing, if you’re struggling, systemize something, anything in your business, pick anything that you can find, even your cleaning, and write down an SOP for it. Start there and then systemize your entire business. But don’t get overwhelmed. Start with one simple thing. Those are two things you can do today. And Tommy, you said something really interesting about personal connections. Now in the digital world, I mean, I’m talking to you over Zoom. Everybody’s always looking down at their cell phones and not paying attention to anyone anymore. You’re talking about personal connections in a coaching business. Super important. How do you use that for retention and referrals to get people in? Because we know once we have a good client, we want their friends.

Tommy Alfinito (12:37):
Yeah. For retention, I think it’s really obvious: That’s the “1” in our 3-2-1. It’s creating those connections. So like we want them to come in more so because of the people. They’re excited to see the people and it’s their friends or things like that. More so than the workouts. Like we know that we all have those weeks where we just don’t wanna work out. But then also we try to create a referral culture. So I think we start by saying, “This is who we’re for,” being really clear about that. And then we hope that if we can give these people amazing service, they’ll be like, “Oh, I have someone in my life that would really love it here.” So I think for our referral culture, it starts by being super clear to everybody about what kind of person belongs at the gym. And then from there we just try to highlight that. So highlight that. That’s what people here do is they tell other people like them that would love it here to come here. And it’s really simple stuff. It’s as simple as just like when we do get referrals, the two biggest things we do is, the first, we try to get a picture of them together in a class. And then we just put it in Facebook—kind of putting it up on social media, just thanking them and highlighting that people that like it here bring in friends that would like it here. And then the other thing is we do the surprise and delight. So my GM has up to a hundred dollars that she can spend for the person that did the referring. And it’s supposed to be something meaningful. So we, I tell her, “I don’t care if it’s a $20 gift or it’s a hundred-dollar gift. I just want it to be the right one.” And so a trick that we got that I stole from my friend Chris Plentus is like, we’ll just go through their Instagram, scroll through, and find what their hobbies, what their likes are and then write a nice note thanking them and give them a gift that will be meaningful to them.

Mike Warkentin (14:21):
You can’t see it here, but on the couch behind me, I literally have a pillow with a picture of my dog’s face on it. It was given to me by John Briggs, who wrote “Profit First for Microgyms” because I gave him a little bit of assistance with something. And it was exactly that principle. I thought, “This was the coolest gift I had been given in a very long time.” So that works. Did you notice when you started focusing on building a referral culture, did you notice an actual increase in referrals? And I mean this because a lot of gym owners just say “referrals happen.” Did you notice a change when you focused on it?

Tommy Alfinito (14:50):
Yes. And the first time I focused on it was like six years ago, and we did some really cheesy things. Like it was before Golden State used the whole strength-in-numbers thing. So we made a whole board that we got printed at a print shop that said “strength in numbers.” And we actually, when people would refer, people would put their name and put the person they referred on the thing. And it worked. I didn’t love it, but it worked, and it felt a little more salesy, like up front. But it worked, and I think it didn’t work because people wanted the recognition. It just worked because we were like, when I say “creating a referral culture,” we were just telling people “we want you to bring in your friends” in a very obvious and in-your-face way. So we don’t do that now. I think we’re a little more tactful about it, but it’s still the same principle

Mike Warkentin (15:36):
Point being referrals will not just happen. They might happen from time to time, but they’re not gonna happen at a consistent rate if you don’t make them happen. So you can definitely put some stuff in place. Tommy’s got a great thing—building a referral culture. I’m gonna put a link in the show notes to Chris Cooper’s article called “Building a Referral Culture.” It has a lot of great things in there to help you, without sounding cheesy, get people in the door. And a lot of it is from the “help first” principle of saying, “How do I help your husband, wife, whatever with this fitness problem? I have a solution. Do they need help?” Simple stuff like that. That’s not marketing; it’s just helping. Help first is the concept. We’ll put a link in the show notes for you. Now tell me, the next thing, average revenue per member. So we’ve talked about retention and we’ve talked about referrals. How does average revenue per member go into your revenue score?

Tommy Alfinito (16:25):
Yeah, our business has changed a ton. Like I said, we’ve been around for 13 years. Like 10 years ago, seven to 10 years ago, we actually had about 330 to 350 members, and we had $112 ARM. So it was like such a different business. And what’s crazy is we would get to 350 and then we would always, every time, we’d lose like 30, 40 people really quickly. We’d drop down to 310, and then we’d go back up to 350, and then we’d lose ’em again. And I realized, like at the time, there were some nights we were running three actual group adult classes at once. It was chaos. And I realized like if I really wanted to have a gym of 350-plus people, I would’ve had to fundamentally change the whole business. Like add way more team, more space, everything. So thankfully I didn’t do that, and we started to kind of focus more on that ARM number. And now for us, like I said, 220 is about the max members we can handle in group. Like right now we’re close to that number again. Classes are starting to cap, and we don’t wanna go crazy adding classes. And then we have added more programs. So after COVID we added a personal-training program that we grew. So we went from $0 to $10,000 a month in PT pretty quickly, and that kind of was really nice. And then a kids program. And then we added, like I said, the specialties recently. So now our ARM is over $200. Oh, so very different business.

Mike Warkentin (17:58):
So I’m not a math whiz, but you had 310 members or 320 members at $112 I think you said, and now you’ve got about 220 at over $200 and you’re probably doing more revenue now. Am I right?

Tommy Alfinito (18:10):
Yeah. yeah, I’d actually say what’s interesting is we’re doing more revenue, but it’s not like a crazy drastic change in revenue for us. This has always kinda been like our sweet spot for revenue. It’s just we can keep everyone happy, and our retention is great. Like so we have about 250 members. That’s including our personal training. And like I know last month we had five cancels. So like we’re able to actually have really good interaction, really good retention versus like that business model I said before where a normal month would be 20, 25 cancels.

Mike Warkentin (18:47):
So then I’m gonna guess that even if your retention was equal from the 330 days to now, I bet your expenses and your stress are probably reduced because you don’t need as many classes. You don’t need as many coaches. You don’t need as much toilet paper. You don’t need as much of everything. Right? Like, am I right on that? Your expenses and probably your profitability’s better?

Tommy Alfinito (19:07):
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And if we’re building a business built on personal connections, having like a revolving door of—like I said, we were signing up 30 people a month and then like 28 were leaving in a month. So we were plus two. But if it’s about personal connections, we were not creating that. We were creating more of this revolving door of people, and there’s 350 people moving around. Like at, at one time we could have like 70 people in three classes, and it was just no personal connections happening there. It’s like herding cats at that point.

Mike Warkentin (19:38):
If you intake 30, lose 28, you’re plus two, but you’re minus all the time it took to onboard those people, find those people, sell to those people, market to those people. That’s a ton of costs in actual dollar value if you’re marketing and it’s a ton of costs in staff time. And then your retention suffers. So if your retention is better, your length of engagement, which is a measurable, improvable metric, if that’s better, your marketing costs will go down and your staffing costs will go down because you’re keeping better people longer rather than struggling to find people. And that’s less stress. Like I would rather have a hundred $200 clients than 200 $100 clients. I don’t know if there’s anyone that would make the opposite trade, do you?

Tommy Alfinito (20:15):
No, I agree. Yeah. It’s so many more headaches. And you think to get to that number, you have to get farther away from like who you’re for. So then you have this mismatch. You have a lot more friction. People that are complaining or unhappy. Yeah. I think you nailed it, like the stress component. And just like the enjoyment of the business that you are running and building is just so much higher.

Mike Warkentin (20:36):
It’s hard to see as a newer gym owner, but if you can focus in on 150 to 200 of the right people and keep them for a period of years at a rate of $250 or whatever, like name your number in there—but not $25—if you can do that, you can be a very successful gym owner. You can make a hundred thousand dollars a year or more. And you can create an incredible business that creates careers for people. Like we have the data on this. The Two-Brain business model shows that all this works. Tommy’s living proof. He’s now ascended to what we call the Tinker Stage, where he’s now working an hour a week or an hour a month, whatever you said, in your gym—very little—telling a GM “here’s how it needs to go. Do that.” You’re the CEO, and now you’re doing other projects on the side. We won’t get into the Tinker-level stuff, but it’s an exciting world when you get a gym that’s systematized, focused and runs properly. So last thing I’ll ask you, Tommy, is when you do need members, how do you find them? Because everyone’s gonna wanna say, “No, look, you’ve got tons of revenue. How do I get more members?” What do you do besides referrals?

Tommy Alfinito (21:36):
Yeah, so like I said, the past few months we’ve really focused on group, and it’s been going great. So I know this might go against some of like the trends normally, but we really don’t do ads. We don’t do marketing, we don’t do any of that stuff. So when it becomes time for us, there’s really like three “wells” that we can go to. The first one is that we go to is old members. So we’ve been around for 13 years. So we have this whole list of people that either were members or expressed interest that didn’t sign up or just filled out their information and never came in. So that’s a big one for us. And I would actually say like we actually return six to eight old members a month.

Mike Warkentin (22:18):
Wow! No marketing cost to that other than email or text probably.

Tommy Alfinito (22:22):
Yeah. And a couple things we do with that is we make it really easy to cancel. And then we check in with them at times, and we’ll just email people and just be like, “Hey, how’s it going?” Like, cause we generally care about ’em. Like we’re not emailing them and saying like, “Hey, do you miss working out?” Or just email. Be like, “Hey, how’s things going on in your life?” And start those conversations. So I think that’s a big part for us is returning members. It sounds so simple when I say it, but—

Mike Warkentin (22:52):
Yeah. But you get that from longevity. You get that from staying in the game and learning and being better. And you get these “boomerang clients” because you’ve improved. They knew you, they liked you, they trusted you, and like maybe they fell off for whatever reason, but you’ve re-engaged them and they’re like, “I really like Tommy’s gym. I don’t know why I stopped. I’m ready to come. Oh, this place is even better.” Like, you get that from being a good long-term gym owner. That is a measurable benefit of longevity and being in the game longer. Tell me about the other two wells.

Tommy Alfinito (23:18):
So then the other one is kind of what we were already talking about. So it’s the referrals, and it’s just creating like—it’s not measurable, per se, but like I said, we added that 3-2-1, and then the other two wells that that creates are the referrals. And also just like being very focused on who we’re for. And so like, I feel like it starts by creating the class. So our 3-2-1 might not be your 3-2-1 because it’s set up for who our ideal client is. But every time we’re not growing, we sit down and we say, “Who’s our ideal client?” We have a little sentence that’s written out about it, and then we say, “What parts aren’t filtered? What parts are we missing the mark aren’t for those people?” And for us, the last go around, we made the 3-2-1, and then we redid our social media, where we made sure every picture was of one person, not a group, smiling in the picture. And we made sure every single caption had some portion of our ideal clients. Our ideal client has three characteristics. We made sure every portion had one of them in there. And then we started growing again. So it was just like putting out. Like, it sounds so cheesy, but I say “putting out our bat signal.” Like we put out our bat signal: “These are the people that we want. This is who’s gonna love it here.” And then we bring in those people. And I think when we had the most headaches It was because we maybe had like 50 to 60 percent of our members who are that person that fits that definition. And when the business is growing and the coaches love coming into work and everyone’s happy, it’s when we’re like 80 percent of our membership base is hitting that ideal client definition.

Mike Warkentin (25:04):
Wow. In there, you kinda laid out a genius-level masterclass on organic marketing. And it’s simple. Right? You told me that you like simple stuff. That’s a simple plan, but like put out pictures of your ideal clients smiling. That’s a big one. And get your message in there that shows exactly who you are and what you’re doing and who you’re looking for. That’s how you acquire the right people. Like, it’s so simple. But you could probably pay a consultant a million dollars to try and get back to that point. And you just gave it to ’em for free.

Tommy Alfinito (25:33):
Yeah. Yeah. And that’s the thing for us, I think you summed it up perfectly, is like we’ve always grown off organic marketing. We’ve dabbled in paid marketing and never really seen results for us. And I don’t think paid marketing doesn’t work. I just think I’m not good at it. I’m not the person that can do it. But we’re comfortable with that. Organic marketing—and for our ideal client definition, it’s not anything crazy. Ours is “busy parents that want to be coached and wanna come in and socialize with other people.” There, so it’s three points. Those are the three points—we wanna make sure one of them is in everything we post.

Mike Warkentin (26:09):
Tell me that again. It was a busy parents—what was the rest of it?

Tommy Alfinito (26:12):
Busy parents that want to be coached and want to come in to socialize with other people like them.

Mike Warkentin (26:19):
Again, guys, like how simple is that? But if you have that sentence in place, it will focus your entire business on the exact person you need, the exact person that’s going to love you, and the exact person who is going to want to pay you a lot of money to stay at your gym for a lot of years. Like that is again, we’re going back to focus. So, Tommy, I’m not gonna take this any further because you’ve given people so much awesome stuff to think about already. Focus and systems, like those two things I’m hearing from you over and over again. Is there anything I’m missing beyond that? That seems like almost the definition of what you’re doing there?

Tommy Alfinito (26:50):
Yeah, I think that’s it. And I think for the focus thing, I think the thing that was eye opening for me and maybe might help someone else is really this idea that you can only grow one thing at a time. And like that might be for a long, long period of time. So like you can grow one thing, and you can maybe maintain the other things. They might even dip a little bit. But I think that’s the key to growing your business is really grow one thing and get real growth out of that thing. Understand that the other things are gonna just kind of hang out there and maybe even go down a little, and don’t stress about that—cause that’s what we all do. We’re like, “Oh, this thing’s doing awesome, but that thing is going down, so now I have to run over there.” It’s like, “No, you’re seeing results. Stick with that one thing and just understand that that’s the process.” The process I found for growing the gym is focus. Grow that one thing, get it to a really good spot, and then you can take your focus and remember that one thing you just grew, it might dip a little bit, but then you can take your focus and grow something else. And if you just repeat that over and over, you’ll have a wider business that’s pretty bulletproof. I don’t know. That was the thing for me that I learned, and I just think that that was like a real game changer for me. Cause, like I said, normally you see other things and you’re like, “Oh no, I gotta go fix that and I gotta go fix that.” And then nothing’s growing.

Mike Warkentin (28:08):
I have a new puppy, and watching it move around with “puppy-dog mind” is exactly what I used to do as a gym owner. It is the like animal representation of how I used to run a business. You’re the other way, where you are going to this thing and doing this thing until it’s good, and then you’re moving on to this thing, and you’re being very systematic and formulaic about it, and you’ve made the leaderboard as a result. You tell gym owners how to do this as a mentor, do you not?

Tommy Alfinito (28:30):
Yeah. Yeah. For Two-Brain. Yep.

Mike Warkentin (28:32):
If you’re struggling with your focus, struggling with systems, frazzled, got puppy-dog mind, you can work with someone just like Tommy. Book a call to talk to one of our mentors today. Tommy, thanks so much for being here. We’re gonna have you back. We’re gonna talk whiskey.

Tommy Alfinito (28:46):
Yeah, that’ll be fun. Opening day’s actually today.

Mike Warkentin (28:49):
Well I’ll let you get to that. Go cut the ribbon!

Tommy Alfinito (28:52):
Yeah. Yeah. It’s gonna be a bit of a crazy day, but I’m excited to finally have some people come in and see what we’ve been building.

Mike Warkentin (28:58):
Thanks for giving us half an hour to help some gym owners. I really appreciate it.

Tommy Alfinito (29:01):
Yeah, no problem.

Mike Warkentin (29:02):
That was Tommy Alfinito. He’s one of our top revenue generators in April 2023. He just gave you the goods. Listen to this show twice. You can literally fix your business by doing so. I’m Mike Warkentin. This is “Run a Profitable Gym.” Thanks for watching listing. Be sure to subscribe on your way out. Now here’s a final message from Two-Brain founder Chris Cooper.

Chris Cooper (29:20):
Hey, it’s Two-Brain founder Chris Cooper with a quick note. We created the Gym Owners United Facebook group to help you run a profitable gym. Thousands of gym owners just like you have already joined. In the group, we share sound advice about the business of fitness. Every day I answer questions, I run free webinars, and I give away all kinds of great resources to help you grow your gym. I’d love to have you in that group. It’s Gym Owners United on Facebook, or go to to join. Do it today!

Thanks for listening!

Thanks for listening! Run a Profitable Gym airs twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Be sure to subscribe for tips, tactics and insight from Chris Coooper, as well as interviews with the world’s top gym owners.

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One more thing!

Did you know gym owners can earn $100,000 a year with no more than 150 clients? We wrote a guide showing you exactly how.